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5333 days ago
The QuietusAt the Borderline this Wednesday more info

Dirtmusic: BKO | CD review

5365 days ago
Guardian Music(Glitterhouse)Bamako Airport is known by the international abbreviation BKO, and it's here that Malian musicians set off to impress the West, or greet the occasional Western musicians who fly in to check out what has become the most successful music ... more info

Tamikrest: Adagh, CD review

5406 days ago
The TelegraphTamikrest's Adagh is redolent of light flooding over rocks. Rating: * * * * more info

Tamikrest: Adagh | CD review

5414 days ago
Guardian Music(Glitterhouse/Shellshock)The worldwide success of Tinariwen has had two repercussions, which are both reflected in this impressive new album from the Sahara. It has led to a new generation of guitar bands emerging from the nomadic Touareg community, ... more info

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