Altsounds — By condensing a palate of swirling and innovative guitar voyages and a sweat-soaked baroque punk ethos that loses itself in carpet-crawling majesty, Gringo Star has emerged as Atlanta’s favourite rock and roll sons. Brothers Nick and Pete Fu... more info
Altsounds — By condensing a palate of swirling and innovative guitar voyages and a sweat-soaked baroque punk ethos that loses itself in carpet-crawling majesty, Gringo Star has emerged as Atlanta’s favourite rock and roll sons. Brothers Nick and Pete Fu... more info — Matt Embree, Steve Choi and Chris Tsagakis of *Rx Bandits* ( (and maybe *The Sound of Animals Fighting* ( spent some time on the couch at GO TV where they did an int... more info
Animal rights group People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is urging stars who wore Armani to the Emmy Awards on Sunday to boycott the designer after he chose not to honor a 2007 promise to stop using fur.[...] Read more! more info
Starpulse — Animal rights group People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is urging stars who wore Armani to the Emmy Awards on Sunday to boycott the designer after he chose not to honor a 2007 promise to stop using fur.[...] Read more! more info
Wired - Listening Post — One of the finest shows I can remember ever hearing on the radio showcased recordings of people in various countries imitating animals. As it turned out, one man's "Cocka-Doodle-Doo" was another man's "Kee-Kee-Ree-Kee-Ree." The same principle is at w... more info
Pop Candy — When Girl Talk's Feed the Animals was released this summer, it caused quite a frenzy: For one thing, the album was offered as a "pay what you want" download. (You can still get it via Illegal Art's website, or you... more info