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The Nialler9 Dublin gig guide (Nov 15th – 21st)

4868 days ago
Nialler9 Highlights: Suuns, The Antlers, Dutch Uncles, John Maus, Mariachi El Bronx, State vs. Quarter Inch Collective, Okkervil River, 2 Many DJs, The Field & Walls, Joy Orbison & Floating Points, Battles, Anna Calvi and Cu... more info

The Antlers, Rihanna do The xx

4869 days ago
Music For AntsWhether it’s covers, remixes, side-projects, tv commercials, or Mercury Prizes, British minimalist indie pop band The xx have managed to stay in the spotlight ever since their sensational debut album in 2009, which is both a testament to their over... more info

The Antlers x The xx

4874 days ago
Chorus.fmListen to *The Antlers* ( cover of *The xx* ('s track "VCR" here ( more info

The Antlers – review

4874 days ago
Guardian MusicBrighton ConcordeIt is intended as no reflection on the quality of the Antlers' album Burst Apart to say that the critical acclaim afforded it can seem slightly puzzling. It's been lauded by the kind of blogs not usually given to praising music that ... more info

new Antlers EP, an XX cover, updated Sharon Van Etten dates, Julianna Barwick & more

4874 days ago
Brooklyn VeganDOWNLOAD: The Antlers - "VCR" (The xx cover) (MP3) DOWNLOAD: Korallreven - "Sa Sa Samoa" (ft. Julianna Barwick) (MP3) The Antlers at Moogfest (more by Diana Wong) We recently mentioned that Sharon Van Etten and Shearwater are planning a tour... more info

The Antlers Cover The xx’s “VCR”

4874 days ago
StereogumLast month, we posted our list of the 10 best xx covers, and it included the Antlers’ live version of the xx’s “VCR.” On their Twitter, the Antlers responded, letting us know that we’d hear the “REAL version” soon. Well, today we hear i... more info


4880 days ago
AltsoundsThe Antlers, by any account, have had an extraordinary 2011 – releasing one of the most phenomenal records of the year in the form of “Burst Apart”, garnering critical plaudits from both sides of the pond (everyone from P... more info

The Antlers to release new EP in November

4880 days ago
DrownedInSoundIt'll be no great surprise if The Antlers' Burst Apart features quite highly in our end of year list. Although we do like to keep you guessing, so nothing is a dead cert around these parts. Still, it's a great record. And good news follows in the ann... more info

The Antlers (together) EP Details

4881 days ago
StereogumEarlier this year, Brooklyn epic-indie crew the Antlers released Burst Apart, their deeply satisfying sophomore album. And later this month, they’ll follow it up with (together), a new EP of odds and ends: Remixes, alternate versions, covers, colla... more info

Moogfest 2011 - Day 1 in pics & streams (Tangerine Dream, Moby, TV on the Radio, Austra, Chromeo, Antlers & more)

4884 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphotos by Diana Wong Tangerine Dream & fan The annual music festival Moogfest took place this Halloween weekend down in Asheville, North Carolina. Countless bands we know and love played over the course of its three days including The Antlers,... more info

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