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Murder in Mink! The Crimes of Comedian Ray Bourbon

4635 days ago
WFMU's Beware of the BlogRay Bourbon was a man of his convictions. He had a long list of them. In the days before Lenny Bruce, no comedy act was harassed more often than Ray Bourbon. Consistently provocative and customarily raided, Bourbon's act skirted convention.... more info

The 11 Most Infuriating Songs Of 2011, No. 2: Lana Del Rey, "Video Games"

4819 days ago
TopixThe Song: Lana Del Rey, "Video Games." The Crimes: Irritated-alley-cat vocals; overwrought harps; fundamental misunderstanding of whether or not ironic critique of male-female mores can exist in the Hipster Runoff age; this poor girl's right thigh . more info

The 11 Most Infuriating Songs Of 2011, No. 10: Featuring...

4827 days ago
TopixThe Song: feat. Mick Jagger and Jennifer Lopez, "T.H.E. " The Crimes: Overhashtagging, sub-"Dancing In The Streets" incoherence from Jagger, using "feces" as a term of braggadocio. more info

Interactive Mysteries (Consuming Consumables)

5929 days ago
Pop MattersInteractive Mysteries: Dracula's Heir / Batman: Murder at Wayne Manor / The Crimes of Dr. Watson - Quirk Books [$24.95] more info

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