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Video: “Never Say Never” - The Fray

5794 days ago
Cuchara SonicaEste es el video de la canción “Never Say Never” de The Fray, la cual el segundo sencillo del álbum que lleva por nombre ehm.. The Fray. No esperen nada novedoso del video, solo se puede ver al frontman Isaac Slade caminando a través de... more info

Video: The Fray - Never Say Never

5795 days ago
AngryApe more info

WEB/TECH: Amazon, Wal-Mart Follow Itunes, up MP3 Prices

5814 days ago
All About JazzThat was fast. One day after iTunes upped the price for some of its DRM-free digital downloads to $1.29, and Wal-Mart have also increased their prices to $1.29 and $1.24, respectively. Of the top 100 MP3 downloads currently listed on Ama... more info

The Fray Introduce 'The Fray Live' iPhone Application

5815 days ago
VH1 NewsThe Fray frontman Isaac Slade talked to us about his band's new iPhone app, "The Fray Live." "The app has all kinds of little tricks and whistles," he said. more info

Amazon's MP3 Pricing Plan: Looks Like They Went The "Pick Songs Out Of A Hat" Route [What Are You Talking About? Shopping!]

5815 days ago
IdolatorAmazon has entered the world of charging $1.29 for certain songs, following the lead taken by iTunes yesterday and rendering somewhat irrelevant the snarky remarks of Diggsters . By and large, iTunes' pricing scheme has resulted in popular songs havi... more info

The Fray Introduce 'The Fray Live' iPhone Application

5815 days ago News'The app has all kinds of little tricks and whistles,' frontman Isaac Slade says.By Daniela Capistrano The Fray's Issac Slade Photo: Sony Music Entertainment On Tuesday, The Fray joined the ranks of Lil Wayne, Fall Out Boy and other artist... more info

Today Show's Summer Concert Line Up Announced !

5818 days ago
Music News NetMUSIC NEWS - The summer concert lineup in NYC for NBC's "Today" show's 14th annual summer concert series has been announced and Dave Matthews Band, All American Rejects, Black Eyed Peas and The Fray are among the bands scheduled to... more info

American Idol's iTunes Top Downloads Produced a Few Hits

5822 days ago
PopSugarThis week the contestants chose from iTunes top downloads, and while the pop hits would suggest guaranteed fun, there seemed to be more letdowns than sing-alongs. After a rocky start with Anoop attempting his best Usher and Megan butchering Bob Marle... more info

Stream Richard Swift’s New Album on MySpace

5822 days ago
BuzzgrinderRichard Swift's upcoming Secretly Canadian release, The Atlantic Ocean, is currently up in its entirety on MySpace. It's easily his best stuff yet. Speaking of Swift, he's going to be on tour throughout the spring and summer with Vetiver and The Fra... more info

Ain't no doubt: 'Sunshine' sizzles on 'download' night

5822 days ago
Chicago Sun-Times, ILThis week's theme on "American Idol" was ''popular song downloads,'' and it gave the remaining nine contestants much latitude in what they performed. There were some interesting song choices from the contemporary (Matt Giraud performing The Fray's "Y... more info

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