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The Mae Shi / Signals - Live @ Pitchfork

5717 days ago
Music For AntsSunday at Pitchfork Festival started out with by far one of the oddest shows of the fest. The Mae Shi, as you might have read, were/are in the process of splitting into two bands (Mae Shi and Signals) and the guys that were on stage are the three tha... more info

Are you confused about the Mae Shi split?

5730 days ago
Its Getting Boring By The SeaMe too. StoryWho is in The Mae Shi? Who is in Signals? Will we ever get covered by a big white sheet ever again? WHO KNOWS! Helpfully this Venn Diagram is here to explain what's going down. more info

The Mae Shi @ Pitchfork Music Festival 2009

5732 days ago
Culture BullyMy first time seeing the spectacle that is the Mae Shi coincided with the group playing its final show before splitting up into two bands: the Mae Shi and the Signals. more info

Shows ~ 7/16

5738 days ago
MVSWForeign Born, Warpaint @ Hammer Museum Cowboy Junkies, Son Volt @ Wiltern The Spires, The French Semester, Tall Tales @ Echo Curio The Germs, The Mae Shi, Spider Problem @ El Rey The Flying Tourbillon Orchestra, French Miami, The Monolators, Kissing ... more info


5741 days ago
AltsoundsBark Bark Bark (Jacob Safari from The Mae Shi's solo act) has created a 35 track gapless mixtape. ‘Tour Girlfriends’ is out now worldwide to download and is a joint release from Retard Disco and The Mae Shi's self-created Team Shi l... more info

Pitchfork Fest: Full '09 Lineup

5778 days ago
JamBaseSOME SERIOUS WINDY CITY SWEETNESS! Doug Martsch - Built To Spill by Scott Galbraith The 2009 Pitchfork Music Festival, to be held July 17 - 19 at Chicago's Union Park, continues to congeal nicely, including adding Antlers to the bill! Here's th... more info

Review: Post War Years @ The Lexington, June 3rd.

5780 days ago
Music MulePost War Years are far too rare a proposition these days – a band that seem to be genuinely enjoying themselves on stage. They play with an energy I’ve only seen eclipsed by a formidable performance from The Mae Shi in recent months. To... more info

New The Mae Shi Video - “Lamb and the Lion”

5802 days ago
Pasta PrimaveraI’d be lying if I said I had originally thought that The Mae Shi’s “Lamb and the Lion” off of Hlllyh was some how related to the Bayeux Tapestry or things like it, but apparently (and most definitely) it fits.  Take a look/listen to the vi... more info

The Mae Shi/Abe Vigoda @ Barden’s Boudoir, TONIGHT.

5803 days ago
Music MuleIn East London tonight? Got no plans? Go grab a ticket on the door for this little beauty…. What? The Mae Shi were the first band I saw at SXSW and very nearly the best. Raw punk energy, playful electro tinged power pop tunes with shouty sing-along... more info

ATP Day Two Plus Free M83 MP3 ('Couleurs')

5804 days ago
NME - The Daily DownloadI have this friend who came to ATP once and spent the entire weekend in her chalet watching the specially programmed TV station. While I can't see the attraction in spending any more time in these boxes than necessary (ours comes with flooded bathroo... more info

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