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Bruce Springsteen, Phish, Beastie Boys for Bonnaroo 2009

5884 days ago
NMEBruce Springsteen, Phish, Beastie Boys, Nine Inch Nails, TV on the Radio, Wilco, Al Green, David Byrne, Snoop Dogg, Animal Collective, The Mars Volta and MGMT are among the acts announced to play Bonnaroo this year. more info

Today's MOKB/SIRIUS Blog Radio Show Playlist : 020309

5884 days ago
My Old KentuckyToday is My Old Kentucky Blog Radio on SIRUS XMU! Channel 26 on SIRIUS & channel 43 on XM. Tune in at 12pm EST and again at Midnight EST!Dan Auerbach - Keep It HidThe Books ft. Jose Gonzalez - Cello SongBon Iver - Brackett, WIAndrew Bird - The Gian... more info

[News] Bonnaroo Lineup 2009 - Just Announced!

5884 days ago
I Guess I'm FloatingAfter the ice storm of hell or what Connor likes to term "the white death", my power finally clicked back on today and my house had a pulse once again. Just in time too, they've released the initial lineup for Bonnaroo tonight! Looks like this summ... more info

Mars Volta Revel in Records, Grammy Nomination

5885 days ago
Spinner.comFiled under: News, Mars Volta guitar player and musical mastermind Omar Rodriguez-Lopez's tells Spinner that the next two Mars Volta records are already recorded and waiting for a release date -- this on the heels of a Grammy n... more info

Omar Rodriguez-Lopez : Old Money

5890 days ago
Paste Magazine Guitar jams from Mars Volta leader As a side project for an already cultish band, Omar Rodriguez-Lopez’s Old Money is destined to achieve instant bro-you-gotta-hear-this status for some and glance harmlessly off of most. Though th... more info

Bonnaroo 365: Raconteurs

5910 days ago
JamBaseBONNAROO TO INTRODUCE BONNAROO 365 ON JANUARY 11, 2009 STREAM FULL SETS ON BONNAROO.COM / PROGRAM TO DEBUT WITH FULL RACONTEURS PERFORMANCE The Raconteurs :: Bonnaroo 08 by Snyder Bonnaroo has announced BONNAROO 365, a program by which fans can... more info

Mars Volta guitarist Omar Rodriguez Lopez to relaease 'Old Money'

5931 days ago
Altsounds*Omar Rodriguez Lopez*'s *'Old Money'* is the first album that* The Mars Volta *guitarist/producer/writer/arranger will release with Stones Throw Records. The addictive melodies and passionate execution of each performance render '*Old Money*' perhap... more info

Mars Volta guitarist Omar Rodriguez Lopez to relaease 'Old Money'

5931 days ago
Altsounds*Omar Rodriguez Lopez*'s *'Old Money'* is the first album that* The Mars Volta *guitarist/producer/writer/arranger will release with Stones Throw Records. The addictive melodies and passionate execution of each performance render '*Old Money*' perhap... more info

Mars Volta guitarist Omar Rodriguez Lopez to release 'Old Money'

5931 days ago
Altsounds*Omar Rodriguez Lopez*'s *'Old Money'* is the first album that* The Mars Volta *guitarist/producer/writer/arranger will release with Stones Throw Records. The addictive melodies and passionate execution of each performance render '*Old Money*' perhap... more info

Rolling Stone 'Top Album Covers' Of 2008

5940 days ago
Stopcryingyourheartout.comRolling Stone released it's reader's rock list for top Album Cover Artwork of 2008. Oasis' cover for Dig Out Your Soul made the top ten at # 910 Top Album Covers Of 200810: Of Montreal, Skeletal Lamping09: Oasis, Dig Out Your Soul08: The Raconteurs, ... more info

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