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What's going on Tuesday? (TPOBPAH/Julianna Barwick/Cults, Jessica Pratt, Sam Prekop, Gooch Palms, CSN, La-Bas & more)

3612 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphoto: TPOBPAH at Hammerstein Ballroom in 2014 (more by Chris La Putt) You can browse our full NYC show calendar for all of tonight's shows, but here are some highlights... Julianna Barwick, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, DJ... more info

Roman a Clef (members of ASDIG / TPOBPAH) releasing debut album (listen), playing NYC this weekend

3739 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Bill Pearis Roman a Clef is Ryan Newmyer (A Sunny Day in Glasgow), Jen Goma (ASDIG, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, People Get Ready) and Kurt Feldman (Ice Choir, TPOBPAH, Depreciation Guild). Newmyer is the main songwriter... more info

Ice Choir releasing holiday 7" (stream it), playing Cameo

3763 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Bill Pearis Former The Pains of Being Pure at Heart drummer (and Depreciation Guild frontman) Kurt Feldman spends his time these days fronting Ice Choir, his synthpop project that meticulously recreates the sounds of The Big '80s. Ice Choir... more info

What's going on Monday? (Interpol, TPOBPAH, Allah-Las, Kevin Gates, The Wytches, Champagne Jerry & more)

3781 days ago
Brooklyn VeganTPOBPAH last week at Hammerstein Ballroom (more by Chris La Putt) For all of tonight's shows, and tomorrow's, check out our NYC concert calendar. The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, Hooray For Earth, Gabi, Ablebody @ Glasslands Having finished... more info

The New Pornographers played Hammerstein with The Pains of Being Pure at Heart (pics, setlist)

3786 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphotos by Chris La Putt "Would it be cool if @TheNewPornos play for too long tonight in NYC? I'm thinking we should really wear out our welcome." - AC Newman New Pornographers / TPOBPAH @ Hammerstein Ballroom 11/17/2014 Carl Newman... more info

two days after DBA closes, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart play Glasslands

3798 days ago
Brooklyn VeganTPOBPAH @ Bowery Ballroom in May (more by Amanda Hatfield) The Pains of Being Pure at Heart are currently on tour with The New Pornographers, and both bands hit NYC's Hammerstein Ballroom on November 17 (tickets). One day after their... more info

Perfect Pussy and Pity Sex opening for New Pornographers

3905 days ago
Brooklyn VeganSounds like show bookers in Detroit are definitely amusing themselves! The Detroit show is September 6th. Most of New Porn's tour is later in the fall, and with The Pains of Being Pure at Heart. PREVIOUSLY: The New Pornographers... more info

Flavours of the month 07/08/13: Swim Deep / Temples / Parquet Courts / Icona Pop / Rudimental / Disclosure

3908 days ago
From Mato, From LondonSwim Deep Birmingham (UK) Canciones románticas de gloria y hechuras de boy band, estos chavales lo tienen todo: estribillos inolvidables, alegría triunfante de vivir y el toque de destartalada melancolía agridulce y soñadora que nos vuelve locos ... more info

Live Video: The Pains of Being Pure at Heart

3940 days ago
KEXP SeattleBrooklyn band The Pains of Being Pure at Heart have been going through some growing pains, indeed. Between their 2011 album, Belong, and their brand new release, Days of Abandon, the band lost longtime members Peggy Wang and Alex Naidus, and though d... more info

The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, Fear of Men & Ablebody played Bowery Ballroom (pics)

3966 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphotos by Amanda Hatfield "thank you @thepainsofbeing for a wonderful night of tunes and for covering my favorite Katy Perry song" - Sad Girls Guide "The @thepainsofbeing show was awesome till they covered katy perry..." - Estelle Goodwin Pains @... more info

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