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CMJ: Tuesday [Marc Hogan]

5986 days ago
PitchforkPhotos by Francis ChungCut Off Your Hands [The Delancey; 8 p.m.]New Zealand has 4.2 million people, spread out across two islands and 103,738 square miles. Manhattan has 1.6 million people, spread out across one island of fewer than 23 square miles. ... more info

Free Download : The Very Best : Mixtape

5993 days ago
My Old KentuckyIn case you've been living in a cave and haven't seen Gorilla Vs. Bear lobbying for Esau Mwamwaya as ruler of the 2008 indie music world, then you also might have missed Mwamwaya and Radioclit renaming themselves The Very Best. We're all looking for... more info

esau mwamwaya + radioclit :: the very best mixtape

5993 days ago
Gorilla vs. BearThis was a nice surprise to wake up to this morning (thanks Scott). Officially scheduled to be released on November 1, here's the debut (free) mixtape from Esau Mwamwaya + Radioclit, aka the Very Best, complete with absolutely fitting The Lion King-e... more info

[Recap] Best of September

6007 days ago
I Guess I'm FloatingSeptember is gone? Usually right around this time I'm one month into another fall semester, midterms coming up in a few weeks, the typical disbelief over how quickly I went from laying on a beach enjoying seemingly endless amounts of summer days to ... more info

blog radio :: september 15

6023 days ago
Gorilla vs. BearOur weekly GvsB Sirius radio show airs today at noon + midnight EST on Left of Center. Brand new stuff this week from Empire of the Sun, Gang Gang Dance, Salem, Get Back Guinozzi, Chairlift, Memory Cassette, the Ruby Suns + Esau Mwamwaya, and more. ... more info

Ruby Suns to tour UK; release three new tracks

6026 days ago
DrownedInSoundThe Ruby Suns have announced a bunch of tour dates across this fair isle and the emerald one over the sea, this Autumn more info

ruby suns + esau mwamwaya cover the beatles

6027 days ago
Gorilla vs. BearThanks to all-around good guy YANP for the tip on this one. I've probably mentioned eight times by now that the Ruby Suns are collaborating with Esau Mwamwaya on his upcoming LP. What I didn't know is that Esau also joined the band on their glorious... more info

[MP3] new Ruby Suns song, plus Beatles / El Guincho covers

6027 days ago
I Guess I'm FloatingMy favorite band from New Zealand, The Ruby Suns, have been keeping busy since releasing their second LP Sea Lion earlier this year. Somehow between touring, resting, and self-discovering, they've managed to pop into the recording studio now and aga... more info

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