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Lost Smiths Video Found

4960 days ago
Yahoo! Music UKXFM - Watch the documentary from 1992... meant as part of a press promo run for the "Best" album... more info

Morrissey – review

4964 days ago
Guardian MusicPalladium, LondonAt the time of writing, neither Dublin, Dundee nor Humberside have been affected by the recent riots. Carlisle remains quiet. But there has been panic on the streets of London – unrest that recalls the previous wave of disturbances... more info


4965 days ago
The Vinyl VillainIt wasn't all jingly-jangly poptastic stuff as you well know.   The Smiths could play very fast and very loud when the mood took them, as evidenced on this blistering b-side:-mp3 : The Smiths - LondonOriginally recorded in October 1986, it was put ... more info

The 11 Best Songs By Ra Ra Riot

4972 days ago
The Good, The Bad and The UnknownYesterday's big news about The Smiths having their songs turned into a comic book, left me with mixed feelings.  Of course, every time there is news about the Smiths, it's always a good day...but the more I thought about it, I became a little concer... more info

My kind of town: Manchester

4972 days ago
Guardian MusicWhere to enjoy buzzing nights and laid-back days in Manchester, home of The Smiths, Happy Mondays and Elbow. See also our insiders' guides to Belfast, Birmingham and BristolDespite ever-increasing gentrification, the Northern Quarter, a square half-m... more info

The Smiths songs turned into comic book anthology

4974 days ago
NMEUnite and Take Over: Comic Stories Inspired By The Smiths will be out in November more info

The Smiths Songs Turned Into Comic Book Series

4974 days ago
GigwiseSet for release in November... more info

Morrissey as superhero: Smiths songs are transformed into comics

4974 days ago
Guardian MusicUS publisher hopes to create a series of comic-book stories based on songs by Morrissey and Johnny Marr• The Smiths' songs as comics – in pictures What if the Smiths' songs were comics? An American publisher is taking that idea to the printing-pr... more info

The Smiths' songs as comics – in pictures

4974 days ago
Guardian MusicA US publisher is creating an anthology of comic-book stories based on songs by Morrissey and Marr. But how do you draw Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before? more info

Need Another Reason To Envy The Smith Family? Check Out Their House

4974 days ago
Big Apple Music SceneIn the September issue of Architectural Digest , Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith will let the world in on a little secret: their home is ridiculous. Maybe that’s not exactly a revelation, but did anybody (besides their architect, designers, and ... more info

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