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Photographer Stephen Wright's best shot

5026 days ago
Guardian Music'At the time, I was using my bedroom as a darkroom – and storing all my chemicals in old lemonade bottles'This shoot really should have gone to a big-name photographer – an Anton Corbijn or a Pennie Smith – but it went to me, a fan using a chea... more info


5028 days ago
The Vinyl VillainI think the photo gives away the fact that today's song is one of the instrumentals:-mp3 : The Smiths - Money Changes EverythingThe b-side to Bigmouth Strikes Again, this was the second instrumental track the band released.  There's no mistaking tha... more info

Arctic Monkeys, Don Valley Bowl, Sheffield | review

5028 days ago
Guardian MusicDon Valley Bowl, SheffieldAccording to one music paper, this is the week "Arctic Monkeys reconquer the world". That may be pushing it – at the time of writing, the Sheffield foursome have stopped short of invading foreign territories – but after ... more info

Morrissey makes festival go meat-free

5029 days ago
Guardian MusicSinger persuades Lokerse Feesten in Belgium to embrace 'catering challenge' and go veggie on the day he performsA Belgian music festival will go vegetarian for 24 hours to appease headliner Morrissey. Lokerse Feesten has banned meat from its food sta... more info

Hail, Hail, Rock'n'Roll

5029 days ago
Guardian MusicWhen I think of bookishness in music, it's not of Katy Perry or, but something more awkward, more earnest, the type of music that stays inside on a sunny dayI recently found myself at two events – each extraordinary in its own way – tha... more info

Live Video: The Pains of Being Pure at Heart

5030 days ago
KEXP SeattleThe Pains of Being Pure at Heart burst onto the scene in 2009 with a self-titled debut that was part jangly shoegaze homage, part twee pop sensation, and all passion. The softspoken quintet craft catchy, nostalgic songs that fuse the finest influence... more info

Morrissey - Festival Goes Meat-free For Morrissey

5032 days ago
ContactMusicOrganisers of a music festival in Belgium have agreed to ban burgers and sausages from the site in honour of vegetarian rocker Morrissey when he headlines the event. Officials at Lokerse Feesten were delighted when the former The Smiths frontman agre... more info

Mazes touring w/ White Denim (dates), new LP still streaming

5036 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Bill Pearis When you think Manchester, England you may think Stone Roses and The Smiths, but in the case of Mazes, it's more Sebadoh and Soul Asylum. Not unlike Yuck, this trio owe lots to '90s indie rock as... more info

Johnny Marr - Johnny Marr Designs Own Guitar

5039 days ago
ContactMusicFormer The Smiths rocker Johnny Marr has turned instrument-maker - he's designing his own axe for guitar giant Fender. The British star has been asked by bosses at the company to help draw up the specifications for the instrument, and admits he's lab... more info

Arctic Monkeys – Suck It And See: Album stream

5040 days ago
Guardian MusicYour chance to hear the fourth Arctic Monkeys album in full, a week ahead of releaseDuring a recent interview with the Observer's Barbara Ellen, Arctic Monkeys frontman Alex Turner mused over what it was that made his band so special. It was, he conc... more info

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