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5355 days ago
The Vinyl Villain This was what I expected to be writing about last week instead of some emotional outpourings about the sudden death of a brother.And just because I'm writing about it today doesn't mean I've gotten over everything. Far from it.It does seem very stra... more info

Will Smith - Smiths Rep Slams Broadway Reports

5357 days ago
ContactMusicHollywood couple WILL SMITH and JADA PINKETT SMITH's representative has slammed reports the stars are to make their Broadway debuts in A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE.Earlier... more info

Will Smith - Smiths In Talks To Take On Broadway

5358 days ago
ContactMusicHollywood power couple WILL SMITH and JADA PINKETT SMITH are reportedly in talks to make their Broadway debuts side-by-side, in a revival of TENNESSEE WILLIAMS play A... more info

Will Smith - Smiths Convinced Jaden Will Cope With Fame

5359 days ago
ContactMusicWILL SMITH and JADA PINKETT SMITH's son JADEN will be able to cope with the pressures of his new-found fame - because he's already used to life in Hollywood.The 12 year... more info

Radio catchup: Johnny Marr, John Wyndham's Chocky and a troll

5359 days ago
Guardian MusicThe former Smiths guitarist recounts his musical youth while this week's dramatic offerings recall some scary childhood monsters"What are you musical influences?" is probably the most asked question in rock journalism, but the answers are only as int... more info

Will Smith - Will Smiths Tears Of Pride

5360 days ago
ContactMusicWill Smith cries whenever he sees his son Jaden on the big screen. The 41-year-old actor - who produced the 12-year-old actor's latest work 'The Karate Kid'... more info

WAVVES are playing Madison Square Garden!

5361 days ago
Brooklyn VeganWAVVES @ the Meatlocker (more by Brian Kip) Wavves has been added as opener of the Dirty Projectors / Phoenix show at Madison Square Garden. ha. Tickets go on general sale Saturday, July 17 at 10am. The Smith Westerns and... more info

WAVVES are playing Madison Square Garden!!

5361 days ago
Brooklyn VeganWAVVES @ the Meatlocker (more by Brian Kip) Wavves has been added as opener of the Dirty Projectors / Phoenix show at Madison Square Garden. ha. The Smith Westerns and Total Slacker are opening for Wavves at Bowery Ballroom. Owen... more info

The Smith Westerns Tour with MGMT

5362 days ago
Pitchfork - Tours07-17 Chicago, IL - Pitchfork Music Festival 07-29 Cambridge, MA - Middle East $ 07-30 Washington, DC - Black Cat $ 07-31 Hoboken, NJ - Maxwell's $ 08-02 New York, NY - Bowery Ballroom 08-03 Columbus, OH - The Basement $ 08-04 Detroit, MI - Magic St... more info


5365 days ago
The Vinyl Villain I was tempted to give another plug to Blog Rocking Beats, but that would have meant showing my hand in terms of which track by The Smiths I'm intending to play tonight (in fact, there might be more than one track depending on the mood I'm in and how... more info

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