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Morrissey celebrates his 50th birthday

5780 days ago
NMERaise a glass to former Smiths singer more info

Bands as Smiths and Morrissey stuff – Friday Fun

5780 days ago
NMETimewasting fun on NME.COM more info

Celebrity Birthdays, May 22

5780 days ago
StarpulseHappy Birthday to sexy British lass Katie Price a.k.a. Jordan (1978), British supermodel/actress Naomi Campbell (1970), The Smiths singer Morrissey (1959), Elton John's songwriting partner Bernie Taupin (1950),[...] Read more! more info


5780 days ago
The Vinyl VillainMy suggestion is Baby's On Fire by The Creepers.It doesn't really mean a tremendous amount to me in terms of stardust memories, other than it being a reminder of what made vinyl so special: that you could have a record that everyone wanted, but they ... more info

Unhappy birthday?

5780 days ago
Guardian MusicMorrissey once railed against dinosaur rock'n'roll stars - now he has joined their ranks. Len Brown sheds light on the man behind the miserable mask"Oh I know that you say, how age has no meaning, but here is your audience now, and they're screaming ... more info

M is for Melancholy

5781 days ago
Guardian MusicThis week we get all pensive and dreamy as we experience the melancholic magic of a major 7th chordMy first recollection of melancholy is seeing a road sign designated "Melancholy Lane". A quick Google search confirms this childhood memory as being o... more info

the first batch of wednesday updates

5782 days ago
Totally Fuzzyoffyerface said...The Smiths - The Queen Is DeadSnow Patrol - Eyes OpenPJ Harvey - To Bring You My Lovehttp://offyrface.blogspot.comLord Blak said...Collection of 80s R & B/Disco/Funk Rarities!!VA - Nighttime Lovers, Vol. 3 [2005]VA - Nighttime Lover... more info


5783 days ago
Music is ArtThis Friday May 22nd, The Music Slut will be presenting a live celebration at The Studio, 125 E 11th St between 3rd and 4th Ave in Manhattan, for its TMS Hearts Moz Record Release Party, in honor of their special compilation of renditions of Smiths f... more info

The Montgolfier Brothers: the band that floated away

5783 days ago
Guardian MusicWith their baroque music, regretful lyrics and northern soulfulness, the Montgolfier Brothers should have been huge. It's time they had their dueFor the past couple of weeks, I have been filming the Creation Records documentary. It's given me the op... more info


5784 days ago
The Vinyl VillainThe Smiths – This Charming Man (1983): This is listening to John Peel. This is a special new world. The excitement of something new and vital when music had seemed to go downhill in the aftermath of the demise of The Jam. This is snobbish reje... more info

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