— If Noel Gallagher is to be believed - and although he's a master of one-liner, we at City Life think this is gospel – these latest outdoor shows could be the last time you see or hear from Oasis in five years.Speak to Ian Brown and John Squire... more info — Oasis fans going to this weekend’s concerts are being urged to watch out for traders selling merchandise outside the venue, as the items are likely to be counterfeit.The warning comes after Manchester City Council trading standards officers, a... more info
Guardian Music — 1989 was a momentous year for music as De La Soul, the Stone Roses and acid house defined the zeitgeist. So how come we were all listening to Jive Bunny, asks Johnny DeeThe year 1989 ended with Band Aid's version of Do They Know It's Christmas? toppi... more info
Totally Fuzzy — Walker said...The Rolling Stones...covered by Shockabilly and The Mo-Dettes. Two well worn singles from 80-83.Thanks to FC.http://burningaquarium.blogspot.comSINDBAD said...Bob Marley - B Is For BobDave Maclean And Montana Country - Country Beatles (... more info — On Bank Holiday Monday, Xfm threw caution to the wind and decided to name the Top 100 Best British Songs Of All Time. Taking in votes from you, the listeners and Xfm DJs, they compiled what they think it the definitive list of the greatest songs from... more info — Oasis claimed the top three positions in a poll of the best British songs of all time today.Live Forever came in at number one, followed by Wonderwall and Don't Look Back In Anger.A fourth Oasis song, Champagne Supernova, also made it into the top 10... more info
The Vinyl Villain — My suggestion is Baby's On Fire by The Creepers.It doesn't really mean a tremendous amount to me in terms of stardust memories, other than it being a reminder of what made vinyl so special: that you could have a record that everyone wanted, but they ... more info
LargeHeartedBoy — At the top of my wish list: the remastered Stone Roses debut album collectors edition, which includes 3 CDs, 3 LPs, a DVD, a USB stick filled with video, 6 art prints, and a book. The set will be... more info