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David Whitaker

4793 days ago
Guardian MusicComposer and arranger of 60s French pop hits, horror film scores and 'audio homages' to the Stones and the Beach BoysWhen the Verve's Bittersweet Symphony became one of pop's more famous copyright cases in the late 1990s, it was widely known that 100... more info

Live Around Town This Week

4880 days ago
KEXP SeattleWith the impending Thanksgiving Holiday on Thursday, and the biggest shopping day of the year ahead of us, the concert calendar is a little slim this week - but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get out there and enjoy a show. Things start off pret... more info

Evillive (Black Cobra, Saint Vitus, Ulcerate, Pallbearer, Oathbreaker, Pulling Teeth & more)

4890 days ago
Brooklyn VeganDOWNLOAD: Warning//Warning - "Ghosts" (MP3) Black Cobra at The Studio at Webster Hall (more by BBG) In addition to their tour with Kyuss Lives! and The Sword that includes 12/9 at the Paramount in Long Island and 12/10 at the... more info

Kyuss Lives! & The Sword announce more dates, Wellmont & Paramount w/ Black Cobra included

4934 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby BBG Kyuss Lives! at Terminal 5 (more by Greg Cristman) After playing a string of dates through 11/8 with MonstrO including Terminal 5 last weekend, Kyuss Lives! and The Sword will loop back to the NYC area as part... more info

Kyuss Lives! lived @ Terminal 5 with The Sword & MonstrO (pics & setlist)

4936 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphotos by Greg Cristman Kyuss Lives! @ Terminal 5 The Aquarian Weekly: You're doing rehearsals? John Garcia: It's pretty much pre-production for the next record has already started and we're just trying to get all of our ducks in a... more info

Quiz: which Thundercat are you?

4966 days ago
Guardian MusicWith the 80s cartoon classic being revived, as well as the arrival of an album by interplanetary jazzer Stephen "Thundercat" Bruner, a handy quiz to work out who's whoHooo! Thundercats has returned, with Cartoon Network airing a new reboot of the 80s... more info

Austin's Boy + Kite wins "Your Shot To Rock" contest as judged by The Toadies

4971 days ago
Altsounds*Austin's Boy + Kite wins “Your Shot To Rock” contest as judged by The Toadies. Band earns slot on yearly Dia De Los Toadies festival with The Sword, Black Angels.* Austin's Boy + Kite has emerged as the winner of the “Y... more info

Kemado Releases Debut Album by MOAB‏

5001 days ago
AltsoundsKemado Records, home of The Sword, Saviours, Danava, and True Widow, announces the August 16 release of Ab Ovo, the jaw-dropping debut album by LA trio Moab. Ab Ovo is a dense, towering slab of majestic rock, compelling from the first strum to the fi... more info

Single Review: Clare Maguire - 'The Shield And The Sword'

5072 days ago
Unreality Music When Clare Maguire finally finished recording her début album - which spent three years in the pipeline, undergoing plentiful promises of perfection such as being signed to Polydor via a very... more info

Clare Maguire: The Shield & The Sword

5094 days ago
Persona Sauna BBC Sound of 2011 number 5 honoree Clare Maguire has just released a new video from her debut album Light After Dark.Cue tired Lady Gaga x Katy Perry x etc etc comparisons.I dig it.You can download "Strangest Thing" for free on her site right now. more info

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