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The Unicorns – “Let Me Sleep”

3820 days ago
StereogumThe Unicorns recently reunited to play some shows — their first in a decade — opening for Arcade Fire, and as we reported, those performances have been incredible. Timed with this is a reissue of their sole album, Who Will Cut Our Hair When We’... more info

The Unicorns share bonus track from 'Who Will Cut Our Hair' reissue; NYC shows w/ Arcade Fire are this week (win tix)

3820 days ago
Brooklyn VeganThe Unicorns are reissuing their seminal 2003 album, Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone?, next week (8/26) and they've just shared one of its previously unreleased bonus tracks, "Let Me Sleep." Check it out below. The band's... more info

TV Party: The Unicorns Talk I’m Alan Partridge

3825 days ago
StereogumHow old were you when the Unicorns broke up? It was ten years ago, so it would be your age minus ten. Oh my god. Were you even born yet? If you’re taking your age and subtracting ten and getting a number below zero, it’s unlikely that you were ev... more info

The Unicorns Reunion @ The Forum, Inglewood 8/1/14

3837 days ago
StereogumWhat does one hope for in a reunion show? For the band you loved to be fossilized and perfectly preserved at the time of its demise, like an ancient bug in amber for thousands of years? A perfect copy of what they were in their glory days? Or perhaps... more info

The Unicorns (finally) reunite after 10 years apart

3838 days ago
L.A. Times - EntertainmentA decade ago, the Unicorns laughed at the idea that they'd be playing arenas in 2014. They even made it official with a song called "The Unicorns: 2014," released on an eponymous 2004 EP: "I looked in into my crystal ball," sang Nick "Diamonds" Thorb... more info

Thank Arcade Fire For The Unicorns Reunion

3845 days ago
StereogumArcade Fire have been so big for so long that it’s easy to forget they emerged from the Montreal underground scene as long-dormant indie-pop quirk-masters the Unicorns, whose Nick Thorburn later went on to form the long-running Islands. In fact, as... more info

The Unicorns – “Rocketship” (Daniel Johnston Cover)

3849 days ago
StereogumAfter 10 years broken up, the Unicorns are finally back together and touring (and opening for Arcade Fire!), and though we have yet to hear any new original material, they’ve shared a cover of “Rocketship” by Daniel Johnston, likely to be inclu... more info

The Unicorns reissuing 'Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone?,' share Daniel Johnston cover, playing Pop Montreal

3849 days ago
Brooklyn VeganCanadian lo-fi pop faves The Unicorns are officially reuniting this year, and as announced, will be opening five dates on Arcade Fire's tour including two in California and all three NYC shows (one of which also includes Television). They've... more info

The Unicorns Announce Reunion Shows Opening For Arcade Fire

3888 days ago
StereogumSpazzed-out Montreal indie greats the Unicorns, who broke up in 2004, hinted at a possible reunion earlier this year, but when we reported it, frontman (and Islands mastermind) Nick Thorburn emailed us and told us not to get our hopes up. Well, get y... more info

The Unicorns officially reuniting, opening for Arcade Fire! (including all 3 Barclays Center shows)

3888 days ago
Brooklyn VeganThe Unicorns have been talking about a reunion but still nothing solidified as the bands' members continued to tour with their other projects. Now the reunion is official, as it was just announced they will open select dates on... more info

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