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Tom and Katie Are Busy but Caring

5901 days ago
PopSugarTom Cruise went out solo last night while Kate Holmes performed one of her final shows on Broadway before she was spotted transporting a sleepy Suri to the car today. Tom must have hugged his kids a little tighter this week after his good friend John... more info

"The View" is Like a Drug...

5902 days ago
TMZFiled under: The View Yes, this actually happened during a diet segment on "The View" today ... and no, Kate Moss wasn't a scheduled guest.... Permalink more info

The Ban Is Lifted!

5902 days ago
Perez HiltonOn Barbara Walters Sirius radio show yesterday, The View host and her producer, Bill Geddie, revealed that….. Despite being a subject of ridicule in Kathy Griffin's stand-up routine, the pair are now open to having the flame-haired comedian back on... more info

In Case You Missed It…

5903 days ago
Perez HiltonviewNode("ed18bb6e4ef19", { player_profile:'vega4', width: 410, height: 315 }); CLICK HERE to watch Perez's appearance on The View!!!! CLICK HERE to watch Perez's appearance on The View!!!! CLICK HERE to watch Perez's appearance on The View!!!! Thoug... more info


5903 days ago
Perez HiltonPerezzz is gonna be all over your TV and radio today, Monday, January 5th, in support of our new book, Red Carpet Suicide. Hopefully you can catch one or all of our appearances! Here's a rundown of what's going down today: - The View! The View! The V... more info

Monday Madness!!!!

5904 days ago
Perez HiltonWe have a big BIG day planned for tomorrow!!!! Our book tour for Red Carpet Suicide begins on January 5th and…. On Monday, we're returning to The View for a very special episode. It's a show of all "Hot Topics" and Perezzers is going to be the ONLY... more info

That Chick That's Not Elizabitch Wants Her Own Show

5910 days ago
Perez HiltonSo what's life like after working on The View? Just ask former View correspondent Debbie Matenopolous who was kicked off the show back in 1999. Since then she's been trying to get her comeback on TV only to be on failed shows and finally ending up on... more info

What A Whiner!

5922 days ago
Perez HiltonElizabitch Hasselbeck complained on The View this week that she didn't receive her usual invitation to the White House Christmas party. Boo-hoo! She said on the show, "I love Christmas cards. I love getting them. There is one in particular that I us... more info

Sugar Bits — Time Names Obama Person of the Year

5922 days ago
PopSugar Barack Obama is Time magazine's Person of the Year for 2008, winning the title against competitors like Sarah Palin, Henry Paulson, and Nicolas Sarkozy. In the interview he talks about the economy and his temperament, and we get to see his old coll... more info

Carl Barat, Babyshambles, The View, Reverend play Libertines songs in London

5922 days ago
NMEFormer Libertine Carl Barat joined forces with Babyshambles' Drew McConnell, The View's Kyle Falconer and Jon 'The Revend' McLure last night (December 16) to play two Libertines songs live in north London. more info

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