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Quirky Richard Ayoade Is The Best Part Of The Watch

4630 days ago
Big Apple Music SceneIt doesn't matter if you haven't heard of him before: As the off-kilter Jamarcus, Richard Ayoade complements his more frenetic, loudmouthed co-stars (Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, and Jonah Hill) with understated but bizarre humor and deadpan delivery t... more info

Celebrity Lookalikes: Billy Crudup In The Watch And The Room‘s Tommy Wiseau

4631 days ago
Big Apple Music SceneBilly Crudup has an excellent cameo in The Watch as Ben Stiller's creepy, soft-voiced neighbor who can't stop admiring his strong human body. But we realized that Billy's performance also reminds us of a certain craggy-faced cult figure... More » Po... more info

Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn and Jonah Hill in The Watch: Unwatchable

4631 days ago
TimeLast weekend, the prospect of buying a movie ticket ceased being an automatic entertainment decision and became a juggling act with life or death on the line. Some deranged dude who had seen the carnage at a Colorado showing of The Dark Knight Rises... more info

Vince Vaughn - Vince Vaughn Gets Fit On The Set Of The Watch

4632 days ago
ContactMusicMovie star Vince Vaughn embarked on a health kick on the set of new comedy The Watch and tried to persuade co-stars Ben Stiller and Jonah Hill to join him Stiller reveals his pal would start the day with a healthy green veggie smoothie and work-out i... more info

Vince Vaughn - Vince Vaughn Praises 'the Watch' Co-star Richard Ayoade

4633 days ago
ContactMusicVince Vaughn has spoken with admiration of the British comic actor Richard Ayoade with whom he stars in The Watch The movie premiered at Graumans Chinese Theatre and Vaughn told the UK Press Association Hes the best Hes hilarious and hes really pheno... more info

Ben Stiller - Ben Stiller To Reunite With Jonah Hill On New Comedy

4634 days ago
ContactMusicBen Stiller and Jonah Hill are set to star in new comedy Aloha The actors are currently appearing in The Watch together - which tells the story of a neighborhood watch group that must defend Earth from an alien invasion - and they are now in talk... more info

New Posters Unveiled For The Watch And The Expendables 2

4671 days ago
Perez HiltonAnd we're not sure which one is more intimidating… Sure, the Expendables have bigger muscles, guns and are surrounded by flames, but look at the size of Jonah Hill's aviators! Ha! Both The Watch and The Expendables 2 have released new promotional ... more info

Watch The Throne- Opening Night Review

4695 days ago
The Hip Hop Chronicle    Two of the most influential rappers in the game Jay-Z and Kanye West came saw and conquered the opening night of their The Watch The Throne Tour. Making its first European stop in London at The O2 the duo entered onto the stage to the H.A.M aka... more info

Watch The Red Band Trailer For Neighborhood The Watch

4713 days ago
Perez HiltonThat was an easy solution to quell the Trayvon Martin controversy! The teaser for this upcoming comedy — originally called Neighborhood Watch — upset a few people because of the tragic murder in Florida, but 20th Century Fox fixed that right qui... more info

Jay-Z's Rocawear Partners With The Yankees

4736 days ago
StarpulseRap mogul Jay-Z has forged a partnership with his fashion label Rocawear and the New York baseball team he raps about in his anthem "Empire State Of Mind". The Watch the Throne star, who hails fro... more info

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