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Fun Fun Fun Fest Live Shot: No Age

4061 days ago
TopixThe two-man punk rock band remains a time-honored template. It goes past the White Stripes and Flat Duo Jets, to No Means No and Mecca Normal in the Eighties. more info

White Stripes score 'most significant album'

4073 days ago
StarpulseThe White Stripes' 'Elephant' has been voted the most significant album of the past 20 years. more info

The White Stripes top two-decade album poll

4073 days ago
StarpulseThe White Stripes' 2003 album Elephant has topped a new poll to find the best release from the last 20 years. The chart-topping album, which featured instant classic Seven Nation Army, beat out di... more info

The Cavalera Brothers Are Working On "A Metal Version Of THE WHITE STRIPES"

4100 days ago
Metal InjectionThat's right; Max and Igor Cavalera (Soulfly, Cavalera Conspiracy, ex-Sepultura, etc.) are working with Ex-LCD Soundsystem frontman James Murphy to create what they're referring to as "a metal version of The White Stripes." Alrighty then. S... more info

From Arcade Fire to Cavalera Conspiracy: James Murphy is now producing a metal band

4100 days ago
Consequence of SoundHe's made them into "a metal version of the White Stripes." more info

Max and Iggor Cavalera Working with Ex-LCD Soundsystem Frontman James Murphy, Plan to be “A Metal Version of The White Stripes”

4101 days ago
MetalsucksLike whoa wait what?The post Max and Iggor Cavalera Working with Ex-LCD Soundsystem Frontman James Murphy, Plan to be “A Metal Version of The White Stripes” appeared first on MetalSucks. more info

Jack White awarded honorary dean title in Mexico

4127 days ago
StarpulseRocker Jack White has been named the honorary dean of a music school in Mexico City. The former White Stripes star made a surprise appearance at the Fermatta Music Academy last month (Aug13) and s... more info

Listen to Bob Dylan and Jack White perform The White Stripes’ “Ball and Biscuit” in 2004

4146 days ago
Consequence of SoundChances are you've never heard this before. more info

White Stripes' Elephant Re-Releasing on Vinyl

4147 days ago
411 ManiaThey want every fan to have it... more info

Rock it Out! Blog: “Third Man Records talks The White Stripes’ Elephant reissue”

4148 days ago
Consequence of SoundSami gets the scoop from Third Man's Ben Blackwell. more info

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