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Playlist | Rob Garza: Sounds That Stretch Around the Globe

5879 days ago
New York TimesRob Garza of Thievery Corporation discusses the music of Buraka Som Sistema, Quiet Village, Quantic and Bersa Discos. more info

Thievery Corporation at Chicago's Aragon borrows many talents

5880 days ago
Chicago TribuneAn air raid siren signaled the start of Thievery Corporation's show Friday at the packed Aragon Ballroom, but eyes were already riveted on the large video projection screens and the two silhouetted figures behind their gear onstage. The production/DJ... more info

Greg Kot's gig picks of the week

5884 days ago
Chicago TribuneThievery Corporation: Since putting their own spin on acid jazz and trip-hop in the mid-90s, Rob Garza and Eric Hilton have become masters of midtempo, chilled-out dance music. Then along came last year's "Radio Retaliation" (Eighteenth Street Loung... more info

DubConscious New Album/Tour

5891 days ago
JamBaseLATEST RELEASE ON STS9'S 1320 RECORDS DubConscious "Be the change you wish to see in the world." This remains one of DubConscious' most sacred mantras and the definitive theme in this year's winning election. On January 20, DubConscious celebrate... more info

FESTIVAL/CRUISE: Slow Ticket Sales Sink Langerado Festival

5900 days ago
All About JazzThe Langerado Music Festival in Miami is the first large-scale U.S. festival to fall victim to a poor economy in 2009. The seventh annual event, which was set for March 6-8 at Bicentennial Park, has been cancelled "due to sluggish ticket sales," orga... more info

Langerado Festival Cancelled

5901 days ago
PitchforkLooks like the recession just took its first major music festival victim. The 2009 Langerado Music Festival, which was to take place March 6-8 at Miami, Florida's Bicentennial Park, has been cancelled due to poor ticket sales. As previously repo... more info

Langerado Festival Cancelled

5901 days ago
PitchforkLooks like the recession just took its first major music festival victim. The 2009 Langerado Music Festival, which was to take place March 6-8 at Miami, Florida's Bicentennial Park, has been cancelled due to poor ticket sales. As previously reported,... more info

Bad economy sinks 2009's Langerado Music Festival

5901 days ago
Live Daily( Florida's Langerado Music Festival [ tickets ]--which was to feature Death Cab For Cutie, Snoop Dogg, Ryan Adams and the Cardinals, Thievery Corporation and Dashboard Confessional, among many others--has been canceled due to slow tick... more info

Langerado Festival Canceled

5901 days ago NewsFestival, with Snoop Dogg and Death Cab for Cutie, called off due to "sluggish ticket sales."By MTV News staff Photo: On Tuesday, the organizers of the 2009 Langerado Music Festival featuring Snoop Dogg and Death Cab for Cutie... more info

The Run Down - January 31, 2009

5904 days ago
Pasta Primavera If you’re hanging around Baltimore tonight perhaps you’d be keen on stepping over to the Hexagon for night two of the Aural States fest.  This is the dance night and features Cex (Rjyan Kidwell), Craig Sopo,and Garret McIndoe.  Down in D... more info

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