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Read Thom Yorke Replies to Fan Mail

5080 days ago
KEXP SeattleAs Letters of Note points out, two responses to Radiohead fan mail have been unearthed. Both are penned by frontman Thom Yorke, one handwritten in ’94 and one typed in ’96. The first, pre-Bends, is a letter in which Yorke muses about someday havi... more info

Cute Old Radiohead Fanmail Responses

5082 days ago
StereogumLetters Of Note features two letters written by Thom Yorke in response to fan letters he received early in Radiohead’s career. Yorke wrote one in 1994, while the band was still recording The Bends, while the other was typed up by Yorke for a fan in... more info

Silence By The Stereo, Huck, Imogen Heap (streams)

5084 days ago
Totally FuzzySome of us are old enough to remember what it was like in the old days, going to the record shop, with some spare money in our pocket, and an open and curious mind, looking for something different, and the excitement when you then walked out of the s... more info

Thom Yorke - Thom Yorke's Sympathy For Tsunami Victims

5086 days ago
ContactMusicRadiohead frontman Thom Yorke has reached out to fans in devastated Japan, insisting he shares their pain and was stunned when the recent earthquake and tsunami brought the country "to its knees". The Karma Police hitmaker took to the band's... more info

Listen to New Burial Track "U R Gone" Now

5092 days ago
XLR8RYou know how the saying goes: Good things always come in threes. We'd like to tweak that adage to something more along the lines of "Transcendentally mind-blowing tunes always come in threes," as UK dubstep demigod Burial has followed up two sur... more info

Sleeve Notes: Meet our Radiohead covers band

5092 days ago
Guardian MusicFirst Radiohead printed a newspaper, then the Guardian decided to put out a record. Then Radiohead reviewed the Guardian's record. Then the world imploded ...Five things we learned from Radiohead's King of Limbs launch• Thom Yorke is gunning for a ... more info

Radiohead leave US fans waiting for the Universal Sigh

5094 days ago
Guardian MusicBand's plans to give away newspaper in Washington DC sent awry as fans are given wrong delivery addressWhen Radiohead announced they would give out their free newspaper on street corners around the world, they forgot to study a map of Washington DC. ... more info

Radiohead - Supercollider / The Butcher (Artwork)

5095 days ago
Abeano It’s only Tuesday but it has already been a busy week for Radiohead. Following the release of their new album The King of Limbs yesterday and an accompanying limited edition paper The Universal Sigh, it’s been announced that they’ll releas... more info

Radiohead fans read all about it in The Universal Sigh

5096 days ago
Guardian MusicRadiohead's Thom Yorke hands out the first copies of the band's free newspaper, to promote new album King of LimbsJames Cherry was second in the queue, which perhaps isn't a surprise given that he has a Radiohead lyric tattooed on his wrist and has b... more info

Monday Music News

5096 days ago
KEXP SeattleTomorrow, on the day of the U.S. record store release of Radiohead‘s King of Limbs, specialized newsstands around the country will pop up to offer The Universal Sigh to fans. Today, Thom Yorke himself, dressed like a paperboy, stood outside of Roug... more info

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