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Les Savy Fav: Root for Ruin | CD review

5294 days ago
Guardian Music(Wichita)"We still got our appetite!" barks frontman Tim Harrington on Root for Ruin's opener, confirmation that age hasn't withered these New York art-punk veterans. Rather, building on 2007's belated breakthrough album Let's Stay Friends, their fif... more info

Andrew WK & Tim Harringston played w/ DMC @ the Pool Party (pics & video)

5306 days ago
Brooklyn Vegan"It was all worth it to see DMC, Andrew WK and a yeti-dressed Tim Harrington on stage together singing "Walk This Way." Watching that. Then turning around and seeing the Manhattan skyline over the East River. And seeing the... more info

Gucci Mane, DMC, Andrew W.K., Tim Harrington, Doug E. Fresh, The Cool Kids, Delorean & Dominique Young Unique Close Out The JellyNYC Pool Parties @ Williamsburg Waterfront 8/29/10

5306 days ago
StereogumAnd so ended the Pool Parties, at least in the form in which we know them. That is to say, they ended with fun and sunny sets from the previously confirmed Florida booty rap party starter Dominique Young Unique and Barcelona’s blissed out dance roc... more info

Live: Les Savy Fav are playing Mercury Lounge next month

5317 days ago
The Culture Of MeSure, Tim Harrington is just now starting to outgrow his day job as an IT person (we think) as the latest album from he and his compatriots in Les Savy Fav, Root For Ruin, was released just two weeks ago, but the sound the boys play–a mixture of ar... more info

Les Savy Fav playing intimate NY release show (win tix, stream album, buy @ iTunes, check out some NXNE pics, more)

5317 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphotos by Andrew Frisicano Les Savy Fav's new album "Root For Ruins" is out now, but only via iTunes (more about that from Tim Harrington in the video below). Want to listen before you buy? You can do that over... more info

Les Savy Fav – “Let’s Get Out Of Here”

5341 days ago
StereogumI don’t know if Les Savy Fav’s Tim Harrington had his shirt off while doing the vocals for “Let’s Get Out Of Here” (guitarist Seth Jabour mentioned that Harrington likes to take his shirt off while recording in our Progress Report). But it ... more info

Les Savy Fav announce European tour

5345 days ago
DrownedInSoundTim Harrington and his beard and his belly and Les Savy Fav announced a "one-off" London show, to coincide with their album launch. You could almost call it an album launch show, y'know. Anyway, that was at Cargo for September 13, but now there's a b... more info

Progress Report: Les Savy Fav

5372 days ago
StereogumNAME: Les Savy Fav PROGRESS REPORT: Releasing their fifth album, Root For Ruin. Recorded with Chris Zane at Gigantic Studios. Tim Harrington jumped onstage to sing “Precision Auto” with Superchunk when both bands played the Primavera Festival in ... more info

Pitchfork Festival Adds Comedy Stage

5376 days ago
PitchforkIn a recent Pitchfork interview, funny guy David Cross talked about the similarities between musicians and comedians: "There's quite an overlap between musicians who have an affection towards comedy and comedians who fantasize about being in a band,"... more info

Recommended Shows // May 3rd – May 9th

5426 days ago
Rollo & GradyTim Harrington of Les Savy Fav Recommended Shows :: May 3rd – May 9th Monday, May 3rd Broken Social Scene with Julie Doiron @ The Music Box Tuesday, May 4th Oh Darling / Actress / Until June / Dirt Bird @ Spaceland Stephen Brower & the Silent Major... more info

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