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Venetian Snares postpones US/Canada tour due to visa issues

3907 days ago
Brooklyn VeganSad to say, due to immigration issues, my American tour dates are postponed for now. For those of you with tickets, refunds will be available at point of purchase. Super bummed about this.The above message was posted to Venetian Snares'... more info

Klaus Fiehe – 1LiVE Fiehe 2014-06-01

3923 days ago
Core NewsI’m not sure what kind of show this is, but it seems to be an interesting show from a German called Klaus Fiehe on the German radio station called 1LiVE. He plays lots of good tunes including tracks from Kode9, Lone, Venetian Snares, The Herbaliser... more info

Mary Anne Hobbs – 6 Music Recommends 2014-05-08

3950 days ago
Core NewsIncluding tunes from tUnE-yArDs, Falty DL and Venetian Snares. “Beautiful new music of every texture, colour and origin.” Check out my archives for other Mary Anne Hobbs radio shows and subscribe to the feed if you want to check out future shows.... more info

Mary Anne Hobbs – 6 Music Recommends 2014-05-01

3957 days ago
Core NewsIncluding tunes from DJ Rashad, Venetian Snares and Fhloston Paradigm. “Beautiful new music of every texture, colour and origin.” Check out my archives for other Mary Anne Hobbs radio shows and subscribe to the feed if you want to check out futur... more info

Venetian Snares releasing a new album, touring (dates)

3974 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Andrew Sacher Canadian producer Aaron Funk's Venetian Snares project, under which he released 2005's modern-classical-meets-breakcore classic Rossz Csillag Alatt Szuletett, has been pretty quiet for a couple years now. His last release was 2012's ... more info

The Nialler9 Dublin gig guide // September 25th – 31st

4540 days ago
Nialler9Highlights: The last Minimum Maximum show, Girl Unit, Brenmar, Heathers, Venetian Snares, Toby Kaar, Mumblin’ Deaf Ro & Forza Italo.  This is the weekly list of recommended Dublin gigs taking place over the next seven days published every Tuesday.... more info


4684 days ago
XLR8RLast week, in our profile of the new album by UK experimentalist Actress, we noted how producer Darren Cunningham had a distinct method to creating his tracks, which includes tapping into his subconscious à la Salvador Dali. Despite how curiously ro... more info

Venetian Snares Preps Bedtime Album Under New Name

4707 days ago
XLR8RCanadian producer Aaron Funk is most widely known for the abrasive experimentalism he produces under the moniker Venetian Snares, but next month, he'll release a much mellower album, called Sleep, under the name Last Step. read more more info

Fool the Detector EP

4747 days ago
XLR8RAs Venetian Snares, Canadian producer Aaron Funk has long been interested in the possibilities of grating audio, claustrophobic arrangements, and unnerving melodic themes. His vast output of sonic explorations stretches all the way back to the late &... more info

Venetian Snares Readies New EP

4776 days ago
XLR8RNext month, veteran IDM/breakcore producer more info

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