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Ramesh is back with a website, EP & video +++ The Black are on tour (playing a show w/ Jared Van Fleet)

4959 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Andrew Sacher Ramesh at the Mohawk in 2009 with Voxtrot (more) Ramesh Srivastava, formerly of Voxtrot who broke up in 2010, is now recording solo material as Ramesh. He's recorded a short 3-song EP aptly titled EP1 which is... more info

Candi & The Strangers Release '10th Of Always' on February 8th, 2011

5134 days ago
Altsounds*Candi And The Strangers *will be releasing their sophomore album, '*10th of Always'*, on *February 8th, 2011*. The album was written soon after producer *Erik Wofford *(*Maserati,The Black Angels, Voxtrot, The Octopus Project, Explosions In The Sky*... more info


5160 days ago
The Vinyl Villain Yup...I'm in there. Left hand side. Grey t-shirt. Baldier than I like to think I am. Way fatter than I'd like to be. But at 47, I can still get up on a dance floor with the best of them.The occasion was the latest Nationalpopleague event, compered b... more info

Ravens & Chimes – Division St.

5162 days ago
We All Want Someone To Shout ForRavens & Chimes first captured my heart when they opened for Voxtrot’s last show ever. They played a lot of great new songs at that show, most of which will be on their upcoming new album Holiday Life. “Division St.” was one of those songs, and... more info

Voxtrot Play Their Last Show Ever At Bowery Ballroom

5293 days ago
We All Want Someone To Shout ForWhile on the subway heading towards Bowery Ballroom, I was feeling a mix of emotions. I had mentally prepared for Voxrot’s final show at Bowery Ballroom for weeks, yet it didn’t quite hit me that Voxtrot would be playing their very last note in a... more info

What's going on Friday?

5295 days ago
Brooklyn VeganVoxtrot @ Prospect Park in 2006 (more) tonight in NYC * Chuck Berry @ BB Kings * Hole @ The Wellmont Theater * Northside Festival continues * Phil Collins @ Roseland Ballroom * Lesser Gonzalez, Alvarez @ Open Road Rooftop... more info

YellowFever Summer Tour

5296 days ago
Pitchfork - Tours06-25 New York, NY - Bowery Ballroom @06-26 New York, NY - Bowery Ballroom @07-01 Houston, TX - Mango's07-02 New York, NY - Seaport Music Festival $07-03 New Orleans, LA - No More Fiction07-04 Athens, GA - Farm 25507-05 Charlotte, NC - Snug Harbor... more info

win tickets to the Creators Project party, get the new Salem MP3, check out Mark Ronson's new video w/ Q-Tip & MNDR

5297 days ago
Brooklyn VeganDOWNLOAD: Salem - King Night (MP3) Vice Creators Project Announcement party (more by Erez Avissar) Between the whole Northside Festival, the BrooklynVegan showcase @ MHOW, two BV-BBG heavy showcases, the Afro-Punk Fest, the final Voxtrot shows, Apple... more info

Forgetters, Voxtrot, Fiery Furnaces, She & Him, Mark Kozelek, Northside shows, Islands & other tickets on sale

5351 days ago
Brooklyn VeganTwo final NYC Voxtrot shows are now on sale. Forgetters are playing The Bell House on May 27th with Holopaw and Callers. Tickets are on sale. Tickets are on sale for the Eli Paperboy Reed show coming to the Bell... more info

Introducing: International Waters

5353 days ago
We All Want Someone To Shout ForAfter my tear filled goodbye Voxtrot post last week, you are well aware that I am a fan of Voxtrot. If you are also a fan of them, you should like International Waters. They are the new band of the (now) former Voxtrot member Mitch Calvert from Austi... more info

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