Stereogum — It can be easy to feel beaten-down and bedraggled on the third day of a three-day festival, especially if you’re not a teenager anymore. And the third day of this year’s Pitchfork Festival started like that, with the great Waxahatchee playing a w... more info
Brooklyn Vegan — photos by Amanda Hatfield Speedy Ortiz / Weyes Blood The annual River Rocks series of free shows on NYC's Pier 84 kicked off yesterday (7/9) and thanks to the weather, it got off to a rocky start. Rain and lightning... more info
Brooklyn Vegan — Little Wings Fresh off his appearance at Alex Bleeker's Grateful Dead tribute show in Chicago, lo-fi folk vet Little Wings (aka Kyle Field) has announced a tour. Many of the dates are with the great Weyes Blood, including the NYC... more info
Brooklyn Vegan — photo: Waxahatchee at MHOW in April (more by Amanda Hatfield) You can browse our full NYC show calendar for all of tonight's shows, but here are some highlights... Stiff Little Fingers, The Turbo A.C.'s, Two Man Advantage @ Irving Plaza... more info
Brooklyn Vegan — (photo via @imjasondiamond) Tickets for the Decemberists and Lucius show at Radio City go on artist presale at 10 AM. Tickets for the Robert Plant show at Hammerstein Ballroom go on Citi presale at 10 AM. Tickets for the Hot... more info
Brooklyn Vegan — photo: Waxahatchee at MHOW in April (more by Amanda Hatfield) Earlier today, Waxahatchee announced a tour opening for Kurt Vile, and she's got newly-added headlining dates as well. In addition to the NYC show with Kurt happening 10/7 at Webster... more info
Nialler9 — Kurt Vile & the Violators have been lined up for a show in Vicar Street on November 15th today having just announced a new album b’lieve i’m goin down and a tour. The album is coming in the Autumn and a preview of a track is below. Support for th... more info
Brooklyn Vegan — Kurt Vile's new "dark" album now has a title, b'lieve i'm goin down, and will be out this fall, date still TBA. He'll be on tour this fall too, playing NYC's Webster Hall on October 7. That show, and... more info
Brooklyn Vegan — photo: Speedy Ortiz at BV-SXSW 2015 (more by Tim Griffin) Speedy Ortiz have been very active tourers lately. They already played NYC once this year, and have a T5 show with Courtney Barnett and Torres coming up on 7/22 (tickets),... more info
LargeHeartedBoy — The Los Angeles Review of Books interviewed poet Nikki Giovanni. NPR Music is streaming the new Vaccines album, English Graffiti. Biographile recommended biographies of blues musicians. Amelia Gray listed 10 of her favorite dark books at Publishers W... more info