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Heather Locklear & Richie Sambora's Daughter Ava Makes Modeling Debut

5471 days ago
StarpulseBon Jovi star Richie Sambora's daughter made her catwalk debut in Los Angeles on Friday - at the age of 12.   Ava Sambora was part of the White Trash Beautiful show, which kicked off Los Angeles Fa... more info

Bon Jovi - Samboras Kid Makes Modelling Debut

5472 days ago
ContactMusicBON JOVI star RICHIE SAMBORA's daughter made her catwalk debut in Los Angeles on Friday (19Mar10) - at the age of 12.Ava Sambora was part of the White Trash Beautiful... more info

Heather Locklear's Daughter Makes Her Modeling Debut

5472 days ago
People.comAva Sambora walked in the White Trash Beautiful show - with her mom cheering in the front row more info

This Would Only Happen To White Trash Lily Allen

5574 days ago
Perez HiltonJust the mere sight of Lily Allen drives some people to madness and gravy flinging! Sources are saying that Illy was recently in an altercation with a group of men while out celebrating her sister, Sarah's, birthday. The men in question had made them... more info

Monotonix European Tour

5597 days ago
Pitchfork - Tours11-17 London, England - The Others (Warehouse)11-24 Rennes, France - Antipode11-25 Brighton, England - Hector's House11-26 London, England - Scala11-27 Dublin, Ireland - Crawdaddy11-28 Glasgow, Scotland - Nice n' Sleazy11-29 Leeds, England - Joseph's... more info

I May Have Been a Drummer in a Previous Life

5641 days ago
Lost In Your Inbox I just don't feel like blogging. I know that's sort of stupid to write in a blog post, but I'm sitting here at the computer trying to think of something to say and that's all that comes to mind. Instead of writing, you se... more info

In Pictures: 'Crue Fest 2: The White Trash Circus Touring Festival'

5682 days ago
Monsters and CriticsWe have added a new set of pictures from the event "Crue Fest 2: The White Trash Circus Touring Festival". more info

White Trash Bash 09!

5683 days ago
White Folks Get CrunkWe had a blast last weekend on the river. Man I love dirty river water! Bookmark It Hide Sites $$('div.d2315').each( function(e) { e.visualEffect('slide_up',{duration:0.5}) }); more info

Damn You’sa Sexy Bitch

5688 days ago
White Folks Get CrunkOK this weekend was wild. White Trash Bash rocked super hard. Thanks to everybody who came out and got silly with me and Trexxx. I think this was the second track he put on. Bananas! DJ Chuckie & Lil Jon remix of Dave Guetta and Akon’s Sexy Bitch. ... more info

Crue Fest 2 bulks up, prepares for summer run

5722 days ago
Live Daily( With less than a week to go until the tour's official kick-off, organizers of the second annual "Crue Fest [ tickets ] 2: The White Trash Circus" tour have added a second stage and more acts to most stops on the nationwide outing.... ... more info

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