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Jada Pinkett-smith - Smiths Fought Over Jadens Karate Kid Combat

5416 days ago
ContactMusicMovie couple JADA PINKETT SMITH and WILL SMITH fought over their actor son JADEN's tough work schedule on the set of THE KARATE KID remake - because mum was convinced the 11... more info

Terrence Howard - Howard To Tackle Gaye

5417 days ago
ContactMusicTERRENCE HOWARD is in talks to portray tragic soul legend MARVIN GAYE in moviemaker CAMERON CROWE's biopic after WILL SMITH rejected the role.The I Am Legend star pulled... more info

Miley Celebrates The End Of Hannah Montana

5417 days ago
Perez HiltonAfter she finished filming the final episode of Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus celebrated at a casino-themed wrap party at h.wood on Sunday. Her boyfriend was not in attendance, but her co-stars had a great time. And even Will Smith showed up! A party... more info

Iannucci teams up with Will Smith

5417 days ago
The MirrorArmando Iannucci is teaming up with Will Smith for his latest film comedy. more info

Josh Brolin - Brolin To Join Smith In Men In Black 3

5425 days ago
ContactMusicJOSH BROLIN is in talks to join WILL SMITH in the fight against aliens for a third MEN IN BLACK movie.Studio bosses at Columbia Pictures announced on Friday (07May10)... more info

Will Smith Goes 3D For Men In Black 3

5425 days ago
AllHipHop(AllHipHop News) Will Smith has signed on to star in Men In Black 3, which will be released in 3D. Smith will be reunited with director Barry Sonnenfeld in the movie, which will feature a plot centered around the rapper/actor traveling back in time, ... more info

"Men in Black" are back -- in 3D

5427 days ago
ReutersLOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Alien crime fighters the "Men in Black" are headed back to movie theaters for a third time in a new version set for a 3D release, starring Will Smith, Columbia Pictures said on Friday. more info

Will Smith signed on for 3-D 'Men in Black 3'

5427 days ago
L.A. Times - EntertainmentDeals are set for Will Smith to star again as Agent Jay and Barry Sonnenfeld to direct, Columbia Pictures announced Friday. more info

“Men In Black III” 3D May 25, 2012

5427 days ago
Pop CrunchAnother big ’90s blockbuster is headed back to the silver screen — Men in Black III will be released in 3D on May 25, 2012. Director Barry Sonnenfield and Will Smith have both inked deals to return to the franchise, while “advanced negotiation... more info

'Men In Black III' Script 'Looks Really Good,' Josh Brolin Says

5427 days ago News'I can do some actual acting work within this franchise that everybody knows,' he tells MTV News.By Eric Ditzian, with reporting by Josh Horowitz Photo: MTV News Will Smith probably has to hook up a pair of 3-D-enhanced, Neuralyzer-blocking ... more info

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