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Will's Good Morning Is Full of Peace and Donations

5933 days ago
PopSugarWill Smith smiled for his waiting fans after making an appearance on Good Morning America today. He's been out promoting Seven Pounds, but he's used his premieres for charity throughout the holiday season. Personally, Will and Jada have also donated ... more info

Tom Cruise's son makes debut in Will Smith movie

5933 days ago
Associated PressNEW YORK (AP) -- Tom Cruise's 13-year-old son will have a six-day jump on his father at the box office.... more info

Will Smith - Engaging as Expected in Seven Pounds - Arizona Reporter

5934 days ago
Los Angeles TimesWill Smith - Engaging as Expected in Seven PoundsArizona Reporter - 59 minutes agoBy Harvey Karten (AZR) - Christmas movies are here, many of them cynical comedies as befits our cynical times. Yet Christmas is also a time for giving.... more info

Tom Cruise Forgets About His Other Child

5934 days ago
Perez HiltonAfter gushing about how he'd looove for Suri to go into acting, it seems that Tom Cruise forgot about his other child, who is already in the biz. Connor Cruise has his first role ever playing the younger version of Will Smith's character in Seven Pou... more info

Will Smith - Smiths Family Flushed With Success

5934 days ago
ContactMusicWILL SMITH is so proud of his family he is convinced they will be a success - insisting everything he touches turns to gold. The Hancock star jokes that just sharing ... more info

Will Smith: Suicide, Career and Otherwise - FOXNews

5934 days ago
Calgary HeraldWill Smith: Suicide, Career and OtherwiseFOXNews - 1 hour agoBy Roger Friedman AP Dec. 16: Will Smith and Rosario Dawson pose together at the premiere of Seven Pounds in Los Angeles.Capsule reviews of `Seven Pounds' and other films MSN... more info

Will Smith - Smiths Donate 13 Million To Charity

5934 days ago
ContactMusicWILL SMITH and his wife JADA have donated $1.3 million (GBP866,000) to charitable causes in the last year - including $122,500 (GBP81,666) to best pal TOM CRUISE's ... more info

Movies opening Friday

5934 days ago
Detroit Free Press"Seven Pounds": IRS agent with a fateful secret embarks on an extraordinary journey of redemption by forever changing the lives of seven strangers. Will Smith stars. Rated PG-13 for mature themes and sensuality. more info

Review: `Seven Pounds' piles on the twists (AP)

5934 days ago
AP - "Seven Pounds" is a clever one, all right, but it might actually be too clever for its own good. more info

Will Smith flexes acting muscle in "Seven Pounds" (Reuters)

5934 days ago
Reuters - Will Smith's new drama "Seven Pounds" bears hallmarks of his previous collaboration with the film's director, Gabriele Muccino, on 2006's "The Pursuit of Happyness." more info

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