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Will Smith and Steven Spielberg in talks to remake Oldboy

5971 days ago
Paste MagazineThese days Steven Spielberg is up there with David Fincher and Steven Soderbergh in terms of sheer volume of announced-yet-nowhere-near-production projects. Spielberg's seemed a bit anxious about what he wants to film, and whether to repeat the escap... more info

Is Jaden the Next Will Smith?

5971 days ago
PopSugar Jaden Smith has been following in his father's Hollywood footsteps and is now rumored to be the new star of a Karate Kid remake. Will Smith's children have acted in films before, and Jaden costarred with Will in The Pursuit of Happyness, but this wo... more info

Is Jaden the Next Will Smith?

5971 days ago
PopSugar Jaden Smith has been following in his father's Hollywood footsteps and is now rumored to be the new star of a Karate Kid remake. Will Smith's children have acted in films before, and Jaden costarred with Will in The Pursuit of Happyness, b... more info

Wax On, Wax Off, Wax NO

5971 days ago
DlistedLast year, Will Smith denied that his 10-year-old son Jaden Smith would star in a remake of "The Karate Kid." Will was majorly lie-telling. It was confirmed that Jaden will play the title role in a remake which starts shooting in Bejing and other pla... more info

Will Smith's Karate Kid Ready for Remake (E! Online)

5971 days ago
E! Online - No (karate) kidding, Daniel-san: Nepotism is alive and well in Hollywood. more info

Jaden Smith Starring In 'Karate Kid' Remake

5971 days ago
AllHipHopSuperstar actor Will Smith will produce an updated version of The Karate Kid, which was originally released in 1984.   The remake will feature Smith’s son Jaden Smith in his third major role since his acting debut alongside his father in the... more info

Will Smith - Smiths Son Is The Karate Kid

5971 days ago
ContactMusicWILL SMITH's young son JADEN has landed the lead role in an upcoming remake of THE KARATE KID, according to reports. Jaden, 10, is Smith's eldest son with his wife ... more info

Will Smith - Jaden Smith Named As Star Of Karate Kid Remake

5971 days ago
ContactMusicJaden Smith has signed up to star in a new version of classic 80s film The Karate Kid, it has emerged.The 10-year-old actor, son of Will Smith, only made his ... more info

Hookup Alert! Smith & Spielberg Ready to Be Boys (E! Online)

5971 days ago
E! Online - Tom Cruise. Check. Tom Hanks. Check. Will Smith... more info

Will Smith In Talks To Star In Spielberg's 'Oldboy'

5972 days ago
AllHipHopHollywood’s top actor and famed rapper Will Smith is in talks with director Steven Spielberg to star in a new movie titled Oldboy.   The movie, which is a remake of a 2003 Korean film by the same name, centers around a man who is kidnapped a... more info

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