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Bright Eyes, Iron & Wine Offer Charity Xmas Ornaments

5927 days ago
Pitchfork'Tis the season for giving and hall-decking and so forth, and in the spirit of both, Oregon's Glass Casters Union is back with another round of indie rock-themed charity ornaments. Last year, the GCU offered up decorations designed by the likes of Wo... more info

Happy Thanksgiving!

5932 days ago
I Guess I'm FloatingThe families are in town, there is more food than a soup kitchen on steroids, and New York is filled with floating cartoon characters. The Holiday Season is officially under way with the start of one of the best holidays ever created - Thanksgiving!... more info

Handsome Furs Exhibit Face Control on New LP

5946 days ago
PitchforkWhen they're not smoochin'-- and when Dan Boeckner's not parading around with those wolves-- Alexei Perry and Mr. Boeckner put in work as Handsome Furs. The two have broken their embrace just long enough to craft the dozen songs that comprise Face Co... more info

Dante DeCaro Not Leaving Wolf Parade

5949 days ago
PitchforkPhoto by Carlie Armstrong"The band was enthusiastic and animated and even stopped to pepper the crowd with pithy banter," Keegan Hamilton of St. Louis' Riverfront Times A to Z music blog writes of Saturday evening's Wolf Parade show at the city's Gar... more info

Totally Faded: Efrim Menuck

5955 days ago
XLR8RFor the next four weeks, XLR8R will chat with four indie engineers who invite us into their studios to discuss production philosophies, gear, and how to set your music free. This week we talk to Efrim Menuck of HOTEL2TANGO, which has hosted recording... more info

[MP3] Winter Gloves: "Factories"

5956 days ago
I Guess I'm FloatingAs I was driving from Southie back to Brighton last night, the always-dependable big-ass outdoor bank clock/thermometer/distraction graced me with an abysmal nightime reading of 28°F. Where the F did the summer go? I swear last time I checked I ... more info


5956 days ago
Said the GramophoneBuraka Som Sistema - "General". Each of us have busy days, today. I have to wake up, clouds greying through the window, and get out of bed, and write this post, and work, and have a coffee, and call my grandparents, and research lodging & eating in P... more info


5973 days ago
Obscure SoundAs many of you know, bands that I choose to feature often have a release that will or has been released in the span of a few months before or after the feature date. The goal of this site has always been to expose the newest worthwhile acts that have... more info

Wearing Winter Gloves in Montreal

5976 days ago
Obscure SoundI do hope to travel across a wide variety of locations one day, but as a middle-class college student I understand that my resources are somewhat limited. That being said, it is a common process for me to singularly identify certain cities based on t... more info


6012 days ago
Said the GramophoneThe Lord Dog Bird - "The Gift of Song in the Lion's Den". Here's a song for the day the river turned to wine, the city turned to chalk, your heart turned to tin. The same way that a lantern reminds me of a camptire, this reminds me of early Wolf Para... more info

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