Kerrang! — Mastodon have finished work on the follow-up to their commercially and critically acclaimed 2006 album Blood Mountain.
Entitled Crack In The Skye, the band's fourth long player weighs in at 50 minutes with just seven songs.
The tracklisting is as... more info
Roadrunner - Blabbermouth — AC/DC guitarist Angus Young was featured in a recent MTV Germany special in which he took the viewers through the band's history and commented on some of the group's "most important" videos. more info
Black Ice not only has topped the charts in more than two dozen countries, it debuts atop the latest U.S. album chart with sales of more than 780,000 copies. more info
Roadrunner - Blabbermouth — With AC/DC's "Black Ice" achieving the second highest sales debut of the year, SMASHING PUMPKINS mainman Billy Corgan has told Entertainment Weekly that he understands why the shift toward exclusive deals with a single major retailer is paying off fo... more info
Topix — AC/DC made their new album, "Black Ice," available only at Wal-Mart and through their Web site, but that hasn't limited its success: The CD not only has topped the charts in more than two dozen countries, it ... more info
Associated Press — NEW YORK (AP) -- AC/DC made their new album, "Black Ice," available only at Wal-Mart and through their Web site, but that hasn't limited its success: The CD not only has topped the charts in more than two dozen countries, it debuts atop the lates... more info