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Field Day and Apple Cart 2012 – in pictures

4684 days ago
Guardian MusicNever mind 1,000 boats on the Thames, the real action was happening at London's Victoria Park on jubilee weekend. Friends, Grimes and Franz Ferdinand were having a Field Day, leaving Stornoway, Kid Creole and Adam Ant to upset the Apple Cart more info

The Apple Cart - review

4684 days ago
Guardian MusicVictoria Park, LondonThe rain-lashed trek to Victoria Park in London ends, in the first instance, at the packed comedy tent, where Shappi Khorsandi is making good on the promise of the warning signs that some material on offer won't be suitable for a... more info

Festivals guide 2012 listings: day festivals

4693 days ago
Guardian MusicFor all those festival goers who can't handle whole weekends in the mud, here are the best one-day gatherings around the countryThe 1234 ShoreditchWhen 1 SeptemberWhere Shoreditch Park, LondonWhat East London festival for emerging indie actsWho Arro... more info

Robin Gibb: a tribute in words and music

4698 days ago
Guardian MusicBarry may have been the leader of the Bee Gees, but Robin was the eccentric, the grit in their oyster His big brother Barry wrote the bigger hits, and his twin brother Maurice hung out with Ringo Starr and Oliver Reed, but Robin Gibb has always been ... more info

VaJohnny Is Intact

4709 days ago
DlistedPeople said earlier this year that Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis' relationship had a hole in it bigger than the gap in her moufs and their sources didn't think there was any chance of them patching that shit up. Johnny was off grinding on... more info

New band of the day – No 1,265: Skinny Lister

4711 days ago
Guardian MusicFinally, a folk troupe whose bonhomie doesn't make us wretch. Think of them as the Pogues with good teethHometown: London.The lineup: Daniel Heptinstall (songwriter, vocals, stomp box, acoustic guitar), Lorna Thomas (vocals, ukelele), Maxwell Thomas ... more info

Live music booking now

4714 days ago
Guardian MusicHow to wind up fans of classical music: book Kylie for the ever-less-Promsy Proms In The Park. (8 Sep, Hyde Park, W2). Predictions: a Confide In Me/Nessun Dorma mash-up, plus Hazell Dean and Brother Beyond in an encore of selections from HMS Pinafore... more info

Bow Wow Wow haven't lost their bite

4730 days ago
Guardian MusicMalcolm McLaren's I Want Candy stars are touring the UK this month. Craig McLean meets Leigh Gorman and Annabella Lwin, 30 years after they first burst on to the new wave sceneBow Wow Wow remember the beginning. Of course they do – they almost died... more info

Pass Me The Holy Water Eye Drops

4737 days ago
DlistedI haven't stepped inside of a church for centuries, because they only have one kind of wine and all the magazines in the pew racks are boring. But lord, after seeing these pictures of Marilyn Manson and Taylor Momsen at the Revolver Golden God A... more info

Adam Ant - Adam Ant Plans Mental Health Documentary

4751 days ago
ContactMusicEighties pop star Adam Ant is developing a TV documentary to raise awareness of mental health issues The Prince Charming hitmaker suffered years of psychiatric problems and has undergone several stints of treatment including courses of medication N..... more info

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