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Perhaps I'll finally give Glastonbury a go

5406 days ago
Guardian MusicNot even New Order or the Smiths could persuade a Glasto non-believer to attend. And then he saw a book of photos...I am, to some extent, a rock critic and have been since it was "Anarchy in the UK" versus "Dancing Queen", and the albums of the year ... more info


5410 days ago
AltsoundsAndreya Triana returns with the last single before the release of her debut album, "Lost Where I Belong." "A Town Called Obsolete" is an obliquely upbeat and heartfelt plea for patience and faith in the face of indifference. Triana's voice is perf... more info


5424 days ago
AltsoundsSoul singers are ten a penny. All over the country, all over the world there are girls who want to sound like Alicia Keys or Rihanna, like Aretha Franklin or Fontella Bass, like Diana Ross, even like Amy Winehouse or Duffy. Very few of them have t... more info

Music Weekly: Kelis

5429 days ago
Guardian MusicOur milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they're like ... Oh sorry, we just got a little carried away thanks to this week's guest. Yep, it's the one and only Kelis. She tells Rosie Swash about her new album, Flesh Tone, why being 30 is grea... more info

Bonobo "Stay The Same" Single out June 12th 2010

5432 days ago
AltsoundsThe latest single to be drawn from Bonobo's breakout album, “Black Sands,” is the achingly beautiful “Stay The Same.” Featuring a vocal from Andreya Triana of devastatingly understated brilliance, Bonobo runs to... more info

Andreya Triana "Lost Where I Belong" Single inc Flying Lotus Mix Out 5th April

5484 days ago
AltsoundsWelcome, please, Andreya Triana. The singer whose past credits include work with Mr Scruff, Flying Lotus, Theo Parrish and Bonobo releases the first single from her forthcoming debut album, “Lost Where I Belong”. “Lost W... more info

Bonobo: "Eyesdown"

5494 days ago
Pitchfork - ForkcastWe recently featured a new video from Bonobo in (check it out below if you missed it), but now we've got the mp3 of the track, "Eyesdown", taken from the forthcoming LP, Black Sands. Blurring a two-step beat with some swirling atmospheri... more info

Download: Andreya Triana - "Lost Where I Belong (Flying Lotus remix) (preview)"

5508 days ago
The Culture Of MeContemporary R&B/soul newcomer from Brighton, UK Andreya Triana is releasing her debut disc, Lost Where I Belong, in August and the lead track/title track hits shelves on April 5. The effort, produced by Bonobo, is full of slow oozing rhythms... more info


5509 days ago
3hiveIt's been almost four years since Bonobo (aka Simon Green) dropped a full-length on our ears, so pardon me if I get all giddy on you with this post. Bonobo gets heavy rotation in my mixes and iPod for their timeless, jazzy goodness. Like the right ja... more info

BONOBO - "Eyesdown" Single feat Floating Points, Warrior 1 + Appleblim + Komonazmuk M

5526 days ago
AltsoundsSimon Green aka Bonobo returns with one of the key cuts from his forthcoming album, “Black Sands”. Drawing as much on the rhythms of two-step as the lush soundscapes for which he’s best known, “Eyesdown” a... more info

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