Live Daily — With new albums from both either in the bag or on the horizon, Jay-Z and Eminem announced their involvement with the forthcoming video game "DJ Hero," due out this fall.
The video game--an offshoot of the $2 billon "Guitar Hero" franchise--will featu... more info
Totally Fuzzy — Walker said...The Rolling Stones...covered by Shockabilly and The Mo-Dettes. Two well worn singles from 80-83.Thanks to FC.http://burningaquarium.blogspot.comSINDBAD said...Bob Marley - B Is For BobDave Maclean And Montana Country - Country Beatles (... more info
Totally Fuzzy — a r n e l said...The Modern Jazz Quartet: "Two Degrees East, Three Degrees West" (1995)The Modern Jazz Quartet: "In A Crowd" (1989)The Modern Jazz Quartet: "The Art Of The Modern Jazz Quartet - The Atlantic Years" (1973)The Modern Jazz Quartet: "Pyra... more info
JamBase — By: Nancy Dunham
New York Dolls by Max Lakner
If we told you The Ramones or Elvis or The Beatles had somehow returned (stay with us here) and had recorded new music and were touring, would you be jazzed, buy the album, study the music and the s... more info
Brooklyn Vegan — "Joey Ramone (May 19, 1951 - April 15, 2001), born as Jeffrey Ross Hyman, was a vocalist and songwriter best known for his work in the punk rock group the Ramones. Joey Ramone's image, voice and tenure as frontman of... more info
Big Apple Music Scene — Image: Newscom
Debbie Harry of Blondie performs for NBC’s Today Show in 2007.
A bunch of free shows for this summer have already been announced, but here are some more! All of these shows listed are FREE!
East River Park (At the Band Shell along th... more info