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Echo Chamber: Carl Newman

5418 days ago
Pitchfork"When I found out our record was coming out the same day as Broken Social Scene I wanted to call Kevin Drew and shoot a little promo video, where it's like the two of us just facing each other on a windy day and then we embrace to the strains of 'Wak... more info

Album Art Lover: Hands

5418 days ago
Music For AntsBefore I get to the art, I have to comment on today’s releases. The fact that three of my top 20 current bands, Broken Social Scene, New Pornographers, and The Hold Steady all have a new album out today is just amazing to me (and The National in... more info

Album review: Broken Social Scene's 'Forgiveness Rock Record'

5418 days ago
L.A. Times - Pop & HissDespite its name, Broken Social Scene is anything but. Instead, the sprawling Toronto-based collective has functioned like an indie-pop prep school for several talented musicians now all grown up, most notably Leslie Feist and Emily Haines, the latte... more info

[video] Broken Social Scene Perform on QTV

5420 days ago
We All Want Someone To Shout ForWatch two of Broken Social Scene’s excellent performance’s for QTV from April 29th. Watch “Texico Bitches” & “World News”below: Texico Bitches: World News: Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recomend on Facebook share via Reddit Sha... more info

Recommended Shows // May 3rd – May 9th

5420 days ago
Rollo & GradyTim Harrington of Les Savy Fav Recommended Shows :: May 3rd – May 9th Monday, May 3rd Broken Social Scene with Julie Doiron @ The Music Box Tuesday, May 4th Oh Darling / Actress / Until June / Dirt Bird @ Spaceland Stephen Brower & the Silent Major... more info

Shorties (Broken Social Scene, Reif Larsen, and more)

5421 days ago
LargeHeartedBoyNPR's Weekend Edition profiles Broken Social Scene and the band's new album, Forgiveness Rock Record (out May 4th), which is streaming in its entirety. Reif Larson talks to the Tulsa World Scene about his ambitious debut novel, The Selected Works... more info

Pitchfork Stage at Primavera Sound Festival Lineup Announced

5422 days ago
PitchforkOnce again, Pitchfork has curated a stage at the San Miguel Primavera Sound Festival, which takes place at Parc Del Fòrum in Barcelona, Spain May 27-29. Now, we can reveal our stage's lineups. Acts playing the Pitchfork stage include No Age,Â... more info

Social Scene ready for 'Forgiveness'

5422 days ago
Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaSo is Toronto indie pop-rock collective Broken Social Scene's much-anticipated disc, Forgiveness Rock Record, their last? more info

Broken Social Scene: Forgiveness Rock Record | CD review

5423 days ago
Guardian Music(City Slang)The multi-headed beast that is Toronto collective Broken Social Scene has produced some of the great city's finer moments over the last decade, and provided a home from home for the likes of Leslie Feist and Metric's Emily Haines. Both fe... more info

but video of the week goes to: William Shatner & Lin Yu Chun

5429 days ago
Brooklyn VeganThe past few nights of television have brought us, among other things, Neko Case playing with Bob Dylan's son, and then Broken Social Scene on Letterman, and the Gorillaz on the Colbert Report, but most importantly, from George Lopez... more info

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