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(Approved Theft) RJD2's "The Glow" Remixes

5102 days ago
Impose MagazineRJd2 wants us to remember he released The Colossus last year. He threw a remix contest for "The Glow" and the winner now has the dubious honor of being wedged between Flosstradamus and Candy Panther remixes. The Glow Remixes EP infuses a heavy disco ... more info

Flosstradamus – 2010 Year End Mix

5107 days ago
Discobelle.netIt’s been a bit quiet this year for the Flosstradamus boys but this year end mix from them showcases not only their favorite tracks of 2010, it also gives us a taste of some new tracks from the Chi-town duo which promises exciting things to come in... more info

Live: Discovery is tomorrow in Brooklyn + Dead Leaf Echo after party

5189 days ago
The Culture Of MeTomorrow, for free y’all, the Discovery party is happening again, only this time, it’s all going down in lovely Brooklyn at Public Assembly. Slated to appear at the soiree (alongside residents VDRK and Free Magic) is one half of Flosstradamus, Au... more info

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