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Status Quo rock the film world with action movie

4655 days ago
Guardian MusicBula Quo!, currently being shot in Fiji, will feature a soundtrack of 12 songs by the British rockersBritish rockers Status Quo are working on their very own action film in the vein of James Bond, reports Bula Quo!, the movie will feat... more info

Status Quo - Status Quo Stars' Hair-raising Movie Stunts

4656 days ago
ContactMusicStatus Quo rockers Francis Rossi and Rick Parfitt have proved their tough-guy credentials by performing daredevil stunts for their movie debut The veteran musicians told in April 12 that they had signed up to play themselves in 90-minute action adven... more info

Status Quo - Status Quo To Star In Movie

4733 days ago
ContactMusicRockers Status Quo are swapping the stage for the screen after signing up to star in their first movie The British band fronted by Francis Rossi and Rick Parfitt will play themselves in the 90-minute action adventure Bula Quo due to be released next ... more info

The Who - Rockers Support Sir Cliff Over Radio Ban

4883 days ago
ContactMusicThe Whos Roger Daltrey and Status Quo star Francis Rossi have come to the defence of Sir Cliff Richard after his music was banned from a U K radio stations playlist Executives at Britains new Absolute Radio 60s revealed this week begs14Nov11 the vet.... more info

Francis Rossi: My family values

5043 days ago
Guardian MusicThe Status Quo musician talks about his familyMy parents weren't gushing when I was young but were supportive in a quiet way and I'm glad of that, otherwise I wouldn't have had the impetus to succeed. They did buy me a guitar, though. It was seeing t... more info

Status Quo - Francis Rossi Wants Women To Cover Up

5053 days ago
ContactMusicStatus Quo frontman Francis Rossi is urging sun worshippers to cover up, insisting he hates the sight of naked flesh. The former hellraising rocker, who bedded hundreds of groupies in the band's heyday, insists he is a changed man and detests seeing ... more info

Status Quo re-record army anthem for injured soldiers

5070 days ago
Yahoo! Music UKworld entertainment news - Rocker Francis Rossi and his Status Quo bandmates felt compelled to re-record In The Army Now for their upcoming album as a tribute to Britain's armed forces. more info

Status Quo - Status Quo Re-record Army Anthem For Injured Soldiers

5072 days ago
ContactMusicRocker Francis Rossi and his Status Quo bandmates felt compelled to re-record In The Army Now for their upcoming album as a tribute to Britain's armed forces. The track was the title of their 1986 album, and Rossi was keen to reconnect with the so... more info

Same as it ever was: the power of pop consistency

5080 days ago
Guardian Music'There is comfort in pop fandom – I'm reassured by a new Fall release. Michael Bublé fans can say the same of him'Like a lot of people, I was thoroughly seduced by the first Fleet Foxes album, to the extent that my initial thought on hearing their... more info

Status Quo - Recovering Addict Rossi Is Whisky Boss

5379 days ago
ContactMusicSTATUS QUO frontman FRANCIS ROSSI has become the boss of a whisky company - more than a decade after overcoming his alcohol addiction.The teetotal rocker has been... more info

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