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Robbie Williams - Robbie Williams Wants Savile Shop

4835 days ago
ContactMusicRobbie Williams wants to have a store on Savile Row The Angels singer - who recently launched his debut clothing line Farrell which was inspired by his grandfather - believes his fashion range can be a huge success and expect it will be all over... more info

Robbie Williams Quits Take That Rumours 'Completely Untrue'

4836 days ago
GigwiseBand spokesperson says... more info

Robbie Williams - Robbie Williams Wants Babies In 2012

4836 days ago
ContactMusicRobbie Williams wants to start a family next year The Angels singer and his actress wife Ayda Field plans to have children are well underway and they have even picked out names for their prospective babies already He said She wants a foot... more info

Gary Barlow And Robbie Williams: '16 Too Young For The X Factor'

4836 days ago
GigwiseThey voice concerns... more info

Robbie Williams Couldn't Do Gary Barlow's X Factor Job

4840 days ago NewsRobbie Williams has stated that he could never do pal Gary Barlow's job on The X Factor because he's too nice.The You Know Me singer, who joined Barlow at Judges' Houses as his guest mentor, claims... more info

A Newsdump for 28 September 2011: From Ke$ha's demonic traits to Steps putting the record straight

4841 days ago
Pop Justice» Alice Cooper thinks Ke$ha "probably is The Devil." (Todayonline) ( » "The music industry's number one commentator Jo Whiley" is quite a big fan of Adele. (St... more info

Take That Earn 8 Million In Six Months From Robbie Williams Reunion

4841 days ago
GigwiseSince singer rejoined band... more info

Robbie Williams: I Won't Steal Gary Barlow's X Factor Judge Role

4841 days ago
GigwiseHe prefers his pets... more info

Robbie Williams - Robbie Williams Would Model His Own Clothing Collection

4842 days ago
ContactMusicRobbie Williams would model his own range of clothes The 37-year-old singer - who recently launched fashion range Farrell named after his grandfather Jack Farrell - believes he could show off the items in the collection but would have to be careful..... more info

Take That - Take That Earn £7 Million In Six Months

4842 days ago
ContactMusicTake That have reportedly earned more than 7 million in the last six months Accounts filed by the Never Forget groups newly formed TT5 company - set up three months after Robbie Williams returned to the boy band in July 2010 - disclose a turnove... more info

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