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Young Widows & Helms Alee - 2010 tour dates (NYC w/ Marching Teeth)

5379 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby BBG Young Widows at Europa (more by Justina Villanueva) Young Widows will hit the road in September with Helms Alee that will include a BV/1000Knives production on September 6th at Cake Shop with Marching Teeth! Tickets are on sale.... more info

Helms Alee Announce Dates w/ Russian Circles and Young Widows * Harkonen Reunion Show

5641 days ago
AltsoundsIt took a while for me to admit to myself, that some people are simply better than other people, like you and me, at stuff. The friendly faces looking down on you from above this text, I think they have the opposite problem as us... By the looks on t... more info

These Arms Are Snakes played Mercury & Shea Stadium (pics), Young Widows drop off Thursday tour

5645 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphotos by Chloe Rice, words by Black Bubblegum These Arms Are Snakes @ Shea Stadium The wildmen of These Arms Are Snakes were back at it on Friday 9/25 at Shea Stadium, when the band teamed up with Violent Bullshit... more info

Russian Circles & Young Widows touring (dates), Bad Secrets release music (MP3), Floor box set coming soon

5649 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Black Bubblegum DOWNLOAD: Russian Circles - "Malko" (MP3) DOWNLOAD: Bad Secrets - "Gimme Sound" (MP3) Russian Circles (photo by Chris Strong) Russian Circles have Geneva due on 10/20 and are hitting the road with Young Widows, tagging Bowery Ballr... more info

New Music: Pride Parade

5658 days ago
Rock SelloutNow that enough space and time has come between the ’90s and our modern era, it’s OK to fly the flannel once again. This is simultaneously a timely coincidence and complete non-issue for Pride Parade, who are less a product of their times and mor... more info

Thursday & The Fall of Troy touring (dates include Bowery) with Young Widows (who are playing Best Friends Day 8)

5705 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Black Bubblegum Thursday @ Terminal 5 Thursday is devoted to tour dates. Not only here at BrooklynVegan every Thursday (and really, every day), but the New Brunswick post-hardcore band Thursday who will hit the road in September with The... more info

We Have Signal Features Young Widows

5784 days ago
BuzzgrinderBirmingham's We Have Signal has been around for a few months now, and it looks like the show is hitting its stride. If you need proof, you can easily check the clips of reputable acts like Parts and Labor, Pelican and Fiery Furnaces. Or you can just... more info

Photos: Derby Eve with Frontier(s), Young Widows, Split Lip, Guilt

5789 days ago
BuzzgrinderThe folks at Production Simple really outdid themselves this time around. There's always a great Derby Eve show, but this one really set the bar high for everything from here on out. Frontier(s) and Young Widows were great, needless to say. I even t... more info

I’ll Be There: Guilt, Split Lip, Young Widows, Frontier(s) in Louisville

5796 days ago
BuzzgrinderI'm super pumped about this remembrance of old timey hardcore tomorrow night. Two bands who used to be kind of a big deal are resurfacing. Local boys Guilt and Indianaians Split Lip (you know, before they were Chamberlain) are both getting back toget... more info

Young Widows, My Disco, Tournament & The Austerity Program @ Europa, NYC - pics

5818 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphotos by Justina Villanueva, words by Black Bubblegum Young Widows, Tournament, a bass-less (we'll explain) My Disco, and The Austerity Program played Europa on April 1st part of a trek that had YW scooting all over the US including down... more info

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