AC/DC Finally Coming To Streaming Services Tomorrow
AC/DC are old school. They only started selling their music on iTunes three years ago, and up until now, they had resisted the lure of Spotify. But even AC/DC can’t hold out against the rising tide of streaming forever, and according to the New York Times, anonymous sources close to the band have confirmed that […]
L.A. Times - Entertainment — AC/DC's long defiance of streaming music services has come to an end on the eve of Apple's new music service debut. more info
Stereogum — AC/DC are old school. They only started selling their music on iTunes three years ago, and up until now, they had resisted the lure of Spotify. But even AC/DC can’t hol... more info
Brooklyn Vegan — by Bill Pearis Apple Music, the new streaming-radio-social-etc platform from the iTunes/iPod/iPad/Macbook folks, launched Tuesday (6/30) on IOS devices, and today (7/1) i... more info