The Slum Village lyricist, eLHzi, reveals a penchant for the Coen Brothers and radio-friendly alt rock.
What was the best album of 2008?
Radiohead, In Rainbows. This album was able to make people like Radiohead if they didn't already. It was groundbreaking all the way around. Each Radiohead album is diverse, musical, and the lyrics are always on point and poetic.
What was the worst album of 2008?
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Topix — Two of the biggest selling albums of the year - Lil Waynea s Tha Carter III and Coldplaya s Viva La Vida - were nominated for album of the year Grammys on Wednesday, alon... more info
XLR8R — The Slum Village lyricist, eLHzi, reveals a penchant for the Coen Brothers and radio-friendly alt rock.
What was the best album of 2008?
Radiohead, In Rainbows. This alb... more info