Crystal Bowersox's Hometown Bar Cheers On 'American Idol' Favorite
The Village Idiot outside of Toledo falls eerily silent as Crystal sings Sinatra.By Gil Kaufman
Crystal Bowersox
Photo: Ray Mickshaw / FOX
MAUMEE, Ohio -- There was no better place to watch "American Idol" on Tuesday night than the Village Idiot. The high-ceilinged storefront pub in downtown Maumee, Ohio, just outside Toledo, was packed with charter members of Crystal Bowersox Nation for performance night, and they were ready to yell their approval for the standout singer who has put t... News — The Village Idiot outside of Toledo falls eerily silent as Crystal sings Sinatra.By Gil Kaufman
Crystal Bowersox
Photo: Ray Mickshaw / FOX
MAUMEE, Ohio -- There... more info