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3 stories in this thread

00:06 on April 7 2011

Go on the Kid Rock Cruise on

Detroit Free PressFor the next five days, Free Press music writer Brian McCollum and photographer Romain Blanquart will take you across the Gulf of Mexico, through the Caribbean Sea, and d... more info
00:58 on April 8 2011

Kid Rock on his fan cruise: 'The party will be everywhere'

Detroit Free PressFor the next four days, Free Press photographer Romain Blanquart and pop music writer Brian McCollum will be on Kid Rock's Chillin' the Most Cruise, which sets ... more info
06:51 on April 8 2011

Captain Kid Rock takes to the high seas on cruise

Detroit Free PressFor the next five days, we'll be taking you across the Gulf of Mexico, to the Caribbean Sea, and deep into the party on Kid Rock's second-annual Chillin' t... more info


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