The Last Goodbye, a retelling of Romeo and Juliet directed by Alex Timbers, will feature several of songwriter's worksHallelujah indeed: a Jeff Buckley musical is in development, with a series of workshops due in New York early next year.A contemporary retelling of Romeo and Juliet set to Buckley's lyrics and songs, The Last Goodbye will be directed by the two-time Tony award nominee Alex Timbers, who recently directed the Broadway hit Peter and the Starcatcher. One of Broadway's hottest young p...
Guardian Music — The Last Goodbye, a retelling of Romeo and Juliet directed by Alex Timbers, will feature several of songwriter's worksHallelujah indeed: a Jeff Buckley musical is in deve... more info
Prefix — Two Jeff Buckley films are scheduled for release this year. Now according to the Guardian there ...
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