This child's toy was created in the late 60s and later deployed to dazzling effect by Kraftwerk, David Bowie and, er, Rolf HarrisWhat is it? The sound of parents' nightmares in the 70s. The original Dubreq Stylophone – a kind of stylus-operated pocket synthesiser, marketed mostly at kids – was in production from 1967 to 1980 and its migraine-inducing tones invoke a Rubik's Cube-esque nostalgia for that era.Who uses it? A lot of people – but only ever on one record each. Pulp...
Guardian Music — This child's toy was created in the late 60s and later deployed to dazzling effect by Kraftwerk, David Bowie and, er, Rolf HarrisWhat is it? The sound of parents' nightma... more info