Jack White Sings About Yoghurt On The Colbert Report
What happens when one ridiculously amusing comedian travels to Nashville and is put in the same room as one ridiculously talented yet rather reclusive musician? They sing about yoghurt and Bob Seger, of course.
As part of a three-piece series ('Stephen Colbert Presents, 2011: A Rock Odyssey With Jack White') for his television show, Stephen Colbert went to the Third Man Records HQ in Nashville to chat with Jack White and to try to get a record deal out of the star and label exec.
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Detroit Free Press — A good-natured Jack White put himself on the hot seat with comedian Stephen Colbert for a three-part interview on this week's "The Colbert Report." more info
NME - The Video Blog — What happens when one ridiculously amusing comedian travels to Nashville and is put in the same room as one ridiculously talented yet rather reclusive musician? They sing... more info