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5 stories in this thread

10:25 on July 3 2010

Janet Jackson Opens Essence Music Festival In New Orleans NewsJackson ran through her hits, from 'Pleasure Principle' to 'Together Again,' which featured a photo montage of brother Michael.By Shaheem Reid Janet Jackson (file) ... more info
15:04 on July 3 2010

Janet Jackson's First Concert Since Michael's Death

PopeaterFiled under: Music News, Photos, Videos, Janet Jackson, Celebrity Summer Janet Jackson made her first live performance in two years Friday night at the Essence Music Fest... more info
17:16 on July 3 2010

Janet Jackson performs at Essence in New Orleans

USA Today MusicJanet Jackson enthralled the Essence Music Festival audience Friday, kept them on their feet for more than two hours and reminded fans why seeing ... more info
13:11 on July 4 2010

Janet Jackson - Jackson Returns To The Stage In New Orleans

ContactMusicJANET JACKSON returned to the live music scene for the first time in two years with a concert in New Orleans, Louisiana on Friday night (02Jul10).The singer marked... more info
00:11 on July 5 2010

Janet Jackson Performs at the Essence Music Festival

411 ManiaHer first performance in a while... more info


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