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4 stories in this thread

02:35 on November 23 2009

Jay-Z, Alicia Keys Rock American Music Awards With 'Empire State Of Mind'

VH1 NewsJay-Z and Alicia Keys rocked the American Music Awards with their performance of "Empire State of Mind." more info
10:19 on November 23 2009

Jay-Z 'Wouldn't Pose With Lingerie Models'

AngryApeOut of respect for Beyonce more info
14:15 on November 23 2009

Whipped! Jay-Z Refuses To Take Pics

Perez HiltonBeyowulf's got Jay Z wrapped around her little finger! While attending the Victoria's Secret after-party at M2 on Thursday night, the rapper refused to walk the red carpe... more info
18:06 on November 23 2009

Jay-Z Stays Away From Victoria's Secret Models

411 ManiaOut of respect to Beyonce... more info


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