Jessica Explains How Her Cowboy Made Her Comfortable
Jessica Simpson dressed in sweats as she headed into a studio in LA yesterday. On Ellen today she talks about Ashlee's pregnancy but it wouldn't be a Jessica Simpson interview without some gushing about Tony Romo. She said, "He is a good guy. And he's really just helped me along in life and taught me a lot about being comfortable being myself. He's taught me to calm down a lot. I'm not organized and he's not organized either – but [he] does make me want to be organized for us." Jess ...
PopSugar — Jessica Simpson dressed in sweats as she headed into a studio in LA yesterday. On Ellen today she talks about Ashlee's pregnancy but it wouldn't be a Jessica Simpson int... more info
ContactMusic — JESSICA SIMPSON has hailed boyfriend TONY ROMO as the calming influence in her life - describing the American football star as the "whole package".
The singer/actress ..... more info