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5 stories in this thread

20:05 on March 6 2018

Jon Hopkins – “Emerald Rush” Video

StereogumBritish producer Jon Hopkins broke through in a big way with 2013's stunning Immunity. Since then, he's reworked his own songs, collaborated with other artists, and score... more info
21:51 on March 6 2018

Jon Hopkins announces new album, Singularity, shares animated “Emerald Rush” video: Watch

Consequence of SoundThe follow-up to 2013's acclaimed Immunity arrives in May. more info
21:57 on March 6 2018

Jon Hopkins announces Dublin show; shares song from new album Singularity

Nialler9 Jon Hopkins has announced the followup to 2013’s Immunity album today. It’s been a long wait. Singularity, his next record will be released on May 4th on Domino... more info
22:59 on March 6 2018

Jon Hopkins Announces First Album in Five Years, Singularity

XLR8RJon Hopkins will release a new album, Singularity, on May 4—a follow-on to 2013’s Immunity. Along with news of Singularity, Hopkins has share... more info
11:01 on March 7 2018

Jon Hopkins announces new album ‘Singularity’, shares blissful track and video: Watch

DJmagHe will also be touring extensively with both live and DJ sets… more info


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